Thursday, May 25, 2017

May 22nd- The FREE PRETZEL rains down beautiful music

May 21, 2017 Year 6 Day 22

May 22nd, 2017 will be known as the day the rains came.  Today was a day that is supposedly kicking off four straight days of possible clouds and rain.  Not too much fun, except that when you have to perform a concert in a sweltering elementary school gym, the cool and rain provide a little bit of relief from a possible hot spring day.

Alexis Henderson and Bill Russell (no not that Bill Russell) are the choral music directors and music teachers here at Johnson.  Alexis has been teaching in the district for at least as long as I have and maybe longer.  She has been at Johnson two of my three years.  She is awesome with the kids and really shows how much she enjoys working with them, getting them up and moving around and getting into the songs.  Alexis and her family of 5 recently moved into a new house and although moving is always a chore, she was so happy with new move and has been downright giddy getting everything set up in the new place and really calling it home.

The gang keeping Jake fed

Jake Weber basically just bummed a pretzel off me today because I had an extra.  It didn't matter that he too is a May birthday, that he is an awesome band and orchestra teacher, or that he is a huge Star Wars fan.  Nah.  Sometimes people just get another FREE PRETZEL.  Jake was a recipient last year as well. He continues to lead the Johnson instrumentalists with class and grace.

The chorus directors at work
Bill Russell is the epitome' of a exemplary teacher.  He has only been the district for 3 years, but his rapport with the students and staff is second to none.  He is young and energetic and passionate and I don't know how he does it all day, but the kids love it.  Like Alexis, you can really tell how much Bill loves what he is doing and cares about the kids.  He likes seeing them smile and getting them to learn about music, even though they probably think they are just having fun. 

These three amazing teachers put on a great show during the morning in-school concert and although I was not in attendance I heard the that evening concert was great as well.  Congrats on a job well done too all of you. I do not know what Johnson would do without you.  These three bust their butts and they should be commended often.  You guys are pretty awesome. I hope you liked your pretzels. 

Until tomorrow...

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