Saturday, May 13, 2017

May 8th- A few random thoughts

May 8, 2017 Year 6 Day 8

I completely forgot to get a picture of the FREE PRETZEL today.  Second time it has happened this year. This just goes to show how unfocused I have been this year.

Today was just a day to celebrate my better half and the amazing job that she did this past weekend with all the hubbub that was going on at our house. She is my rock and did such an amazing job as host and keeping everything together.  The boys were prepared and did such a good job because she made sure they knew what they were doing at all times. It really was a cool day.  She is a great host, who puts so much time and effort into making things special for our guests and although I am sure they tell her, sometimes I don't tell her enough. So Katie, you are awesome and Thank you for all you do for our family.

As a special present I got Katie some of the sweetness that the Philly Pretzel Factory sells a cinnamon and sugar pretzel, her favorite.

After a long Monday, I took the kids to the Pop Shop to celebrate Super Hero week so that she could have a nice quiet dinner with her parents.
Tibby coloring her menu

The kids got fidget spinners.  Yay!
We had some fun and the kids were really well behaved.  It was actually pretty enjoyable.  A laid back night after a busy weekend.  It's gonna be a long week...I can feel it.

Until tomorrow...

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