Monday, May 8, 2017

May 4- May the 4th be with you...or make sure you have a good doctor

May 4, 2017 Year 6 Day 4

May 4th has at times been a day to celebrate Star Wars, of course, but other than with shirts and the force, today happened to be just a regular day.  I did however have fun wearing my new Star Wars t-shirt.  I think this makes about a dozen for me now.
A special present from Katie

Everyone had their shirts for school.
 Today I had my 4-6 month checkup with my doctor and I am happy to say that I seem to be doing well. For those that do not know, I was told about 18 months ago that I have Type 2 diabetes.  It runs in my family, so it was not a total surprise, but it did require some changes in my lifestyle.  I am happy to say that despite the hindrance, I am on medicine and I have made a conscious effort to change my diet and therefore I am doing really well.  Helping me thru all of this is my doctor at Advocare Heights Primary Care, Dr. Beth Greenwood.  I have been specifically seeing Dr. Greenwood for about 2 years now and she has been staying on top of my situation and keeping me in check.

Dr. Greenwood was excited for her FREE PRETZEL
Dr. Greenwood comes to us by way of Daytona, Florida.  She went to Haverford College for her undergrad and then on to Jefferson for med-school, where she met her husband, a cardiothoracic doctor at Jefferson now, and she decided to stay here, landing in Voorhees.  She has three kids under the age of 6 and amazingly is training for the upcoming Philly Marathon with her sights set on the Boston Marathon next year.  She was extremely excited, about the blog and to receive the FREE PRETZEL, (she mentioned it three times) but she added she would have to run 5 miles now, so she could keep up with her training.

Dr. Greenwood has been great keeping me sane through this and pointing me in the right direction to manage my health.  Now I have a weekly pillbox that I need to keep straight and refill, but it's a small price to pay for watching my health.  I cannot ask for a better doctor and I am happy that she does not have any plans to go anywhere, anytime soon.  Thanks Doc.

Until tomorrow...

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