Tuesday, May 2, 2017

May 2nd- How does your garden grow?

May 2, 2017 Year 6 Day 2

This year I have asked all of the FREE PRETZEL recipients of the past 5 years to submit anyone that they know that they would recommend to be a pretzel recipient this year.  I have received a few great suggestions, but today's recipient was mentioned by two different people.  I am well aware that people are very busy and I also asked everyone to write up a few words about the person, whether I knew them or not.  I did not get any specific testimonials about this person, but it was my pleasure to give her a pretzel today.  

For my first two years at Johnson, Dawn Slaton was a first grade teacher.  This year she was tasked with teaching Kindergarten.  She said it has been the most challenging and yet most rewarding of her 22 year career as a teacher here in Cherry Hill.  Dawn has taught 1-2 grade for most of those 20 plus years and her first in Kindergarten this year has given her a positive outlook.  Dawn grew up in New Orleans and after getting her degree in English and African-American Studies from the University of Penn, she then earned her Education degree from Rowan and has stayed in this area ever since. 
Dawn's Breakfast of Champions

This past weekend Dawn spent most of her Saturday at the Cherry Hill Green Festival at Croft Farm.  As leader of the Johnson Green Team, Dawn has been intricate in getting several grants for our school, which has provided numerous items for our children at Johnson to enjoy.  She received a grant from Lowe's of about $1200 that was used to purchase a water powered Tower Garden that is in the main foyer of our school.  It's really cool.

Water powered Tower Garden
She also received a grant from CHEF (Cherry Hill Education Foundation) for about $2400 in which she has turned our garden outside into a bounty of plants, and veggies as well as constructing rain catchers. In three short years she has done wonders for the Johnson Green Team and has shown a passion for helping our community become more educated about the world and green issues.  She hopes to take her daughter to South Africa as part of a mission trip with her church and may be raising money soon to try and purchase a Tower Garden for the village they are planning to visit.  Sounds like a pretty cool idea. 

Our school Garden, complete with rain catchers
It was cool to chat with Dawn and learn a little more about the things she is passionate about and it was my pleasure to present her with the FREE PRETZEL, that I was told would be a present for her daughter when she got home. Thanks for letting me hang out in your room for a bit today.  It was fun.

In other news, my Paul VI Golf Team won their 8th match of the season besting Moorestown Friends by a score of 169-187 and raising our record to 8-6.  We play Seneca tomorrow.

Until tomorrow…

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