Tuesday, May 23, 2017

May 19th- Just a chill day

May 19, 2017 Year 6 Day 19

Today Katie joined the boys on their field trip to the Adventure Aquarium and Camden Children's Garden. It was her second trip in a row as she also went with Tabitha to the zoo yesterday.  She surely is a trooper.  She actually enjoyed this trip with a lot of the dads from the class.  She said all the kids were great and despite it being another steamy day, she said that everyone had fun and that the boys did an excellent job.  Since I really had not planned on a special pretzel recipient, I decided that as a treat for their good behavior the boys could each have a FREE PRETZEL today.

The boys were happy to be part of the blog again
It was a chill evening.  We ordered pizza and cheesesteaks and the kids watched a Scooby Doo movie before bed.  Sometimes the most chill evenings are best. 

Until tomorrow...

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