Friday, May 19, 2017

May 17th- A day off from get a FREE PRETZEL!

May 17, 2017 Year 6 Day 17

Today was another perfect day to recognize a person who was nominated by a previous recipient.  Molly Horn has been one of two young college students who watch our little ones in the morning and then walk them to school.  She is also a sometime babysiter for us and a very busy college student at Rowan.  When we decided to ask people for submissions, she had a perfect one and so today was that day.  
Here is what she wrote:

Michael is so giving he wanted me in his picture too!

Our family has known the Irwins for a only a few years now, but everything that Molly says about Michael is very true.  He just gives of himself and that's awesome.  Michael grew up in Pennsauken and as we were talking we discovered that he knows a lot of the same golf coaches in the Olympic Conference that also went to Pennsauken.  Small world.  Michael happened to have the day off today from his job as a supervisor at Cooper Hospital, so it all worked out perfectly.  

It's always great to share this blog and the FREE PRETZEL with friends and just good people.  Michael even got to enjoy his pretzel on his trip to Target.  I hope it was good.  Thanks again Molly.

Until tomorrow...

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