Saturday, May 13, 2017

May 7th- The Holiest of days and a long overdue recipient

May 7, 2017 Year 6 Day 7

Today the Casale clan celebrated a pretty big milestone.  Patrick and Declan made their First Holy Communion.  They were awesome.  They were so focused to the point of saying they were nervous.  It was amazing to see how far they have come and Katie and I and all of their relatives were very proud.  Here are a few pictures that I captured of the big day.
The boys, Tabitha and their grandparents

Patrick and his godfather Kevin Grugan
After their big morning and then small get together at our house, big thanks to all that came and all that brought or prepared food (Katie, Carolyn and my mom), the boys were whisked away to their soccer game.  We were playing the only team that has given us a slight blemish on our spring record, a 3-3 tie, Washington Twp.  In that earlier game Patrick scored all of our 3 goals.  Today we trailed at halftime 3-0, before roaring back in the second half, behind 3 goals by Declan this time, to win 5-4.  It was a very physical and intense game, but coach Dan and I were very proud of the boys effort.  A definite big day for the Casale boys all around.

But in the blog world, today was a day to celebrate another relative.  Emily Eagen made the journey down from Brooklyn with her two kids, Graham and Lucia to celebrate the boys communion and get a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life in Brooklyn.  I am not sure why it has taken this long to get Emily the FREE PRETZEL, it might just be because this only happens in May and that I haven't seen her to make it work out?  Yeah that's it.  Emily is an amazing human being. I don't even know if I will be able to list everything in this blog entry, but I will try.

Just waking up from a nap is not the best time for a serious picture
When I first met Katie, Emily had just been crowned the 2 time International Whistling Champion.  Yes it is a thing and yes she is awesome.  Emily is a Jack of all trades in the performer world, whistling, singing, writing music for adults and children of all ages. She is currently living in Brooklyn and working on her doctorate at CUNY.  She has performed at Carnegie Hall on numerous occasions, I've seen it, it is awesome.  She also has worked and performed at numerous music festivals in the summer months.

Like I said I could go on and on, but you can see for yourself at

When I did finally give her the pretzel, whether jokingly or not, she said "Now I know how it feels to get a FREE PRETZEL.  What a great post nap snack"  We can just add that to her list of accomplishments.  It was great to finally make a dream come true.  That's what FREE PRETZELS are all about.

Until tomorrow....

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