Tuesday, May 23, 2017

May 18th- The Pretzel gets Fancy!

Fancy Pretzels
May 18, 2017 Year 6 Day 18

Johnson Elementary School started an Alphabet countdown last year for the final 26 days of school in which the whole school counts down the last 26 days using the alphabet.  We start with 26 days to go and the Letter A and end on the last day of school with the letter Z and "Zoom out of school."  Today happened to be letter F day for "Fancy" so I decided to get everyone of my students a pretzel and then I asked them to dress it up.  The students were asked to dress up the real pretzel they were given or to trace it and draw a dressed up pretzel.  There are two pictures out of four within the blog today.  For some reason I ran into trouble downloading the other two and since I deleted the pictures I was not able to include the others.  It was a shame because there were some really good ones.  The kids had fun with them too.  I liked the one with the yarn hat.
Some "Fancy" examples


More "Fancy" examples

I did also want to recognize an extremely important lady to Johnson School on this day.  Michelle Jiminez is our principal's secretary and the lady that handles a lot of the ins and outs at Johnson.  Today was also her birthday.  There are a lot of events and trips and paperwork that Michelle handles at our school that help the teachers, students and especially Mr. Peltzman.  On days when she is absent it seems like things don't run quite right.  Like I said she is that piece that makes our school run like clockwork.  She was happy to get her FREE PRETZEL for her birthday and I guess, for me, it's a little "thank you" for all the candy that I take out of her dish almost once a day.  Thanks Michelle.

Michelle couldn't wait to take a bite
Students and staff were asked to dress in our fanciest outfits as well.  Unfortunately the weather was in the 90s and therefore called for adjustments to "fancy."  At Katie's suggestion, she thought I could pull off an "Olympian style" with jacket and fun shorts.  I decided to accessorize with owl socks and sandals.  I forgot my hat which would have completed the outfit, but it was fun seeing all the variations on the theme this year.
Working in an elementary school can be quirky, but it can also be a lot of fun if you let yourself enjoy it.
Fancy, Olympian style.  It was 90 degrees.  Too hot for a full suit
Pretzels dressed to the "nines"
Until tomorrow...

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