Friday, May 19, 2017

Day 14- Mother's Day

May 14, 2017 Year 6 Day 14

Mother's Day.  A day to recognize all mothers. A day to say, thanks for all your do to mom's all over the world. Here at the Daily Twist it is even more important because my wife and the mother of my children is the reason this blog exists.  Most of the ideas for random days have come from her and I cannot thank her enough, just for that. There is so much more that I constantly praise Katir for and have done in previous blog posts, that I would again fill another blog and instead you can go back and read the previous editions.

It was a gorgeous day in the neighborhood, so while Katie hit the gym, Elizabeth and I took our 5 children and headed off to McMillan's Bakery, apparently with the rest of South Jersey. We waited patiently outside with our number before a good samaritan gave us an even better number.  The kids enjoyed the nice weather and the walk, while riding their scooters.  Fun was had by all, but Elizabeth and I wonder how many people thought we were a family of seven, just by some of the looks we got.
Never a bad idea when pastries are involved. 
At 1 pm the kids and I headed to Audubon to play a U9 soccer game.  I was coaching solo today as Dan was away for the weekend.  Katie again suggested giving the FREE PRETZEL to their coach.  The best part was their coach was a woman and since it was Mother's Day it worked out perfectly.  SueAnn Fayer is the coach of the Audubon U9 soccer team as well as a teacher at Gateway Regional High School.  She has boy/girl twins that are the same age as the boys and her son plays on the team.  Sue was very gracious to receive, after my lengthy explanation.  SueAnn was working hard, having to line the field and get the goals set up before today's game, She also told me that she had not eaten lunch or breakfast before the game so that this was perfect.  I bought a few other pretzels for her assistants to enjoy after the game too. It was pretty cool to give to a fellow teacher, coach and in this case a stranger.  

The FREE PRETZEL replaced her breakfast and lunch
The game was pretty awesome.  They had a very large field, which our team was not used to and it took a lot out of our kids, being that it was a little warm, but we pressed on.  Three different shots of ours hit the post or the cross bar.  I was beginning to think luck was not on our side. After being down 1-0 at half, we started the second half off in a deeper hole after they scored again making it 2-0.  With about 13 minutes left in the game a hand ball in the box by their defense forced a penalty kick, which Declan scored into the top right corner and the energy was back in our boys.  We continued to keep the ball down their end and with less than 3 minutes left a throw in to one of our defensive players resulted in a nice cross and redirection into the back of the net to tie the score at 2-2, where it ended.  Hard fought by both teams an a pretty tough game all around.  

The team and their moms!
At the suggestion of Katie, I picked up some roses at Produce Junction earlier in the day for the boys to give to their moms.  Unbeknownst to us, another mom, who was providing the snack today, did the same thing.
So after the game the boys ran across the field to present their mom with a red and pink rose.  It was cute to see and a nice ending to the day that I bet the moms found very cool. 

Later that evening we headed over to my sister Mary's house, where her and her husband Kenny provided a dinner for our immediate family.  Despite more rain, much fun was had by all and I was able to give my mom a hanging plant and a card she found quite humorous.  It was a good day. 

Happy Mother's Day to all moms.  I hope you enjoyed your day

Until tomorrow...

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