Monday, May 1, 2017

May 31st- That's the end?

May 31, 2016, Year 5 Day 31
FREE PRETZEL(s) #30 and #31
The last day is always a bitter sweet one.  I get back to the reality of life and NO FREE PRETZELS, but then again I am not up late into the night typing and pumping out small details of my friend, coworkers or family members lives.
Tibby and Bumble each got their own

For the past week Mike Eagen or Bumble as he is called by his grandchildren has been visiting us for an extended stay.  He has helped walk the boys to school on three different occasions and mostly just been a nice adult presence in the house.  Katie and I even got a nice night out on Friday, while he babysat the kids.  Thanks Bumble for being a wonderful grandfather.

Until next year...?

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