Friday, May 19, 2017

Day 13: Ummmm, rain anyone?

May 13, 2017 Year 6 Day 13

The rains came today and lasted pretty much the entire day turning from a steady downpour to a steady mist with some wonderful wind and cold to go with it.  Today we had some visitors to Casa de Casale in the form of Aunt Elizabeth, Theodore and baby Oona. They too are coming to us from Brooklyn, just like our visitors last weekend.  Their new apartment was being painted and they needed to not be there for the weekend, so they joined us for a visit.  It was great to see them.  Theo was running around and playing with his cousins and all their amazing toys and Oona, was being Oona.  
Play time with Oona and Uncle Tim

Cousins and the FREE PRETZEL
It was a really nice time for them to come hang out.  Given that it was raining, we had to stay inside, but we played and rested and enjoyed each other's company.  It was a nice lazy kind of day.  Nothing wrong with that, right?  Elizabeth will be on her way to Iceland on Monday for a work retreat, nice gig, so it was good to get family time in with her and the kids.

Oona enjoying her treat with Mommy
Oona did actually do a good job of sucking on the FREE PRETZEL and Elizabeth mentioned she couldn't get her to stop!  A future lover of Philly Soft Pretzels!  Thanks for the visit and I hope to return the favor soon.

Until tomorrow...

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