Tuesday, May 23, 2017

May 21- A day for getting stuff done

May 21, 2017 Year 6 Day 21

With so much to do today, I forgot to get a picture of FREE PRETZEL #22.  I would like to tell you that I got the pretzel on the way to the boys soccer game vs Winslow.  In the morning, Katie and I and the kids enjoyed our time cleaning our house.  I reorganized my drawers, putting away winter clothes into storage and bringing out my summer clothes.  Katie and the kids cleaned a good amount of the house, as well as the front porch and I mowed the entire lawn.  We broke for a hearty lunch and then took a quick nap before heading on the road to Winslow.

The family decided to share the pretzels as reward for our hard work.

The boys then went on to score a goal each and then Patrick did a nice job volunteering for and then playing goalie in the second half and we held on for a 5-2 victory to remain undefeated.  The boys have one more game, a makeup game vs Runnemede, in two weeks as the finale of the spring season. The whole team has done a really nice job this season and I am already looking forward to the fall.

Until tomorrow...

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