Tuesday, May 23, 2017

May 20th- The FREE PRETZEL celebrates babies!

May 20, 2017 Year 6 Day 20

Today it finally cooled down, and unfortunately the rains came in the morning on the front nine of my golf round.  I trudged through and ended up having a better back nine, but I was glad it was cooler than the last few days.  

Today's recipients was the brainchild of my sister Lauren.  My sisters, Lauren and Mary, are both due with their first child, this July.  Their duel shower was being held at my parents house this afternoon.  There were three other lovely pregnant ladies that would be in attendance and she thought, and I agreed that they should all get the FREE PRETZEL.  

Pregnant ladies with pretzels!
From left to right in the picture is Kristen Hipolit, my cousin James' wife.  She is due with the couple's first child on August 19th.  Next to her is Patty, my sister Lauren's friend.  Lauren got into the crossfit scene a little over 3 years back and while she was bouncing around from gym to gym she met Patty.  They remained friends and she even joined Patty's kickball team last spring.  Patty is due on September 3rd.  Lauren is in the middle.  Lauren is the youngest of the Casale clan and she is due July 4th.  Maybe a patriotic baby. Mary is next to Lauren and she is also due with her first child a mere 10 days after Lauren on July 14th.  Wouldn't it be crazy if they had them on the same day?  

On the far right is the most pregnant of all the ladies and definitely enjoyed the pretzel most, at least I think she did.  Megan Noll Eissler, as I like to refer to her facebook name, is Lauren's friend going on about 7 years.  Lauren met Megan while working at Nordstroms and they have remained best friends ever since. They even worked at Covered Bridge Capital together after the Nordstroms gig. She also got into the crossfit game with Lauren and is also friends with Patty.  Megan is also a loyal blog reader, so it was nice to present her with a FREE PRETZEL today.  I like to look out for my followers. I'm slightly excited because Megan is due on May 25th and I'm hoping maybe the baby comes a day early so I have another human to share my special day with.  Maybe?

All the ladies seemed excited to get their treat and I hope a nice day was had by all despite the yucky and cooler weather.

Patrick would rather read a book
After I finished my round, I went to the house to pick up the boys so we could then turn right around and go back to the golf course for another 9 holes.  The boys, seem to be enjoying it.  They will again compete in the Drive, Chip and Putt contest this June 3rd at Hidden Creek Country Club.  Patrick plays the first 4 holes and then says, "This is where I stop, right daddy? " He went right to his book and then eventually exploring the pond on the 5th hole. Declan paused for a bit and then did play holes 6, 7 and 8 with me.  We ended the day with a little practice putting and finally with about 15 uninterrupted minutes to explore the pond again.  It is fun to watch them explore.

Declan lining up his 7 iron shot
Until tomorrow...

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