Saturday, May 13, 2017

May 9th- Shhhhhhh.....

May 9, 2017 Year 6 Day 9
Today started a string of what looks to be a bunch of gorgeous days in a row.  It's a little on the chilly side for May, but as long as it isn't raining, I am usually in a good mood.  Today I was in a good mood, but I forgot to pick up the pretzel in the AM and had to go out at lunch.  Luckily it was hot and fresh when I presented it to the Johnson School Librarian, Jill Jeffers.

Jill just completed her first year as our librarian.  She has been teaching for 11 years, 5 of those as a third grade teacher and the last 6 as a librarian.  She has taught in Virginia, Delaware and now in Cherry Hill.  She grew up in Hamilton Twp and attended high school there before attending Mary Washington for her undergrad and then University of Kentucky for Library School. Mrs Jeffers has also been coaching the Haddon Heights swim team for the past 3 years, making it to the state tournament this past year.   I always have a soft spot for fellow coaches.

Mrs Jeffers and her FREE PRETZEL ready for the show. 
Two weeks ago I invaded Jill's library as my students took the PARCC test, because my class shares a moveable wall with another classroom and the noise would just be too much! (tongue in cheek)
I was keen to not make a mess during my stay, but it has not been the easiest of situations being forced out of her space.  To make matters worse, I think she might say this, she has to be one of the testing coordinators for all four weeks of testing, regardless if they are using her library or not.  She rolls with it well though.  

This past summer she had high school kids come in and paint a mural on the back wall and this year she introduced at Lego wall.  Both have brightened up the Johnson Library space.  Jill is always helpful to reschedule library times with all of the teachers, after being absent or not available during a school day and it shows how much she loves her job.

Jill was excited when I presented her with her FREE PRETZEL and told me she had just started following the blog and enjoyed reading the stories.  She has always loved soft pretzels going back to when she was younger.  Her dad used to bring big bag fulls home from the Pennsauken Mart, Mart Pretzels, and they had so many that her mom would freeze them to have at another time.  She was happy that this one was warm and fresh.

Thanks Jill for all you do for Johnson and especially for my class who loves Day 5 because of our library time.

Until tomorrow...

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