Saturday, June 2, 2012

June 1st- That's all He wrote!

June 1st Day 32: I know this was only supposed to be all of May and it was only supposed to be 31 days, but technicalities get in the way sometimes and you have to deal.  I think Tabitha was more than happy with it.

Tabitha couldn't wait to get the FREE PRETZEL out of the bag

She was not too happy when I took it back thinking it would be for snack instead

I gave in and she got a least a piece.
 She did share with her brothers and the kids at the sitters
I think I have summed up this journey a few times in previous posts, so I will do my best to just take you through the day of picures and a few reflecions.

As I walked into the Pretzel Factory today, it was evident that John was not having the best of days.  He said it was just one of those days.  I handed him my punch card and he jokingly said, "It's not the 28th!" He then turned to Anthony and said "We havent seen many cards like that."  Anthony replied, "That's the only one that was completely punched, that I have seen."
I did it!

A little crazy to think that the card originally looked like this
A sense of pride swelled inside me, as well as sadness and a little relief that this month long journey was now over.  Then again, I remembered that I needed to order a pretzel tray for Tabitha's birthday brunch tomorrow.  So I guess I will see them on Saturday anyway.

It will be sad to not do this anymore and not have people come up and say they were reading or post comments or on facebook letting me know they were reading.  I am also sorry that I did not have a years worth of free pretzels to give out.  That would have been a lot of fun, but it may have killed me too.

We took Tabitha to the Pop Shop tonight for her birthday dinner.  The kid eats anything, but the coolest thing was having the whole restaurant sing to her.  Our waiter was great and very patient.
She was pretty stunned, but loved it.
Tabitha gettng ready to blow out het candle.  Declan did it for her. 
We will see how she does tomorrow.
I know this last blog seems to be all over the place, but as always I never know how to end something the right way.  I heard on the radio that June 1st is also Heidi Klum, Alanis Morissette, Morgan Freeman and Andy Griffith's birthdays.  It also happens to be one of my oldest and dearest friends birthdays.  A big shout out goes to Mike Gamble on his birthday today as well.  Hope you had a great one Mike!

I also wanted to acknowledge another person who has been huge supporter of the blog, my sister-in-law Elizabeth and her husband Lado. Elizabeth follows me on google as an official follower (I dont know how she did that), comments here and on facebook and even from the Republic of Georgia, continues to keep up.  When you return, you will most definitely get a pretzel from me!  Thanks Elizabeth!
I guess I will end like this.  My gas tank door has been broken for more than a year.  My car passed inspection last year, so I figured I did not need to get it fixed.  This has bothered some people (Rich Beckman), but it doesnt bother me. What I have found out from this, is that people are truly amazing.  I have had people point it out to me at stop signs, red lights, even driving on the highway.  It just goes to show that if you choose to speak up, it might just be the nice thing to do. I still probably wont get it fixed though.  I think 30 or more people have said something to me in this month alone.

To all of those out there that have read the blog, I thank you for your support, from the middle of my heart.  I figure that is where the best emotions come from.  According to the counter here at google, I had over 2300 views.  I don't exactly know what that means, but I guess a lot of people have read it or made return trips to read it. 

I want to thank Katie for giving me this idea.  It truly has been a wild ride.  I am sure that she will be happy to not hear my fingers slap on the keyboard at the wee hours of the morning anymore.  You are my rock, my inspiration and my glue.  I love you inside, oustide and upside down.

I would like to thank everyone who took part, including my parents who went above and beyond to get a FREE PRETZEL to my brother in Ohio.  I hope you are having fun in South Bend!

Katie and I have been kicking some ideas around for new topics and since we will be back and forth from Ocean City, NJ in June, we may just try and incorporate some of our favorite beach places.
So keep your eyes open and check back when you can and you might just find a fun story. 
Thanks again

Until the next time.....

Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 31st: Almost the end...but not quite


May 31st Day 31- Just so you remember, today should have been the last day of my MAY quest, but because the store was closed on Monday, they will be honoring my punchcard for one more day. 
 Tomorrow, June 1st, will be the last FREE PRETZEL. 

However, today was another fun day.  Sarah (Hammell) Andersen and I started at Stockton together 10 years ago.  We were reunited at Sharp this year and she has been one of the biggest supporters of this blog.  She comments and shares ideas and has been a lot of fun as she has followed along, sometimes late at night as the blog is hot of the press.  Here and her grade level teammates, Kathy Gilmour and Kathie Redmond are the recipients of the FREE PRETZEL today.  Kathie Redmond and I were also reunited this year, after she spent her first 4 years at Stockton with me as well.  Kathy Gilmour fits right in with these amazing ladies, filling out their fantastic Charlie's Angels like threesome.  All of them have been so wonderful since I have arrived at Sharp and have made it such an easy transition.  I sound like a broken record about all the people at Sharp, but it is truly nice place to work, mostly becuse of the wonderful people.  First graders are tough and to deal with what they deal with every single day, they might deserve a delicious pretzel all the time!

The Sharp Angels: First grade specialists
Kathy G, Sarah A, Kathie R.

All three were extremely please to be the recipient of the FREE PRETZEL today.  Sarah did a happy dance.  Kathy G, ate some of hers before the picture and Kathie R needed this pretzel as a pick me up.  All three are extremely deserving and I was more than happy to make sure they each had their own.  Sarah even talked with her class about what I was doing.  Do you think 1st graders get what a blog is?  Kathie R had her Educational Assistant explain what a blog is to her class.  Awesome! 
Thanks ladies for making this so easy.

This journey is winding down and although it is sad, maybe I will get a little more sleep and not be up so late doing this.  I am a little sad and do not know what I will do with myself every morning or afternoon.  I wonder if my car will just automatically steer itself to the Pretzel Factory? 

To all of those that did not receive a FREE PRETZEL, I am sorry. I know many of you have been commenting, emailing, chatting on facebook and have taken an interest in my little adventure and for that I truly thank you.  I hope it made you smile, laugh, maybe even cry, but I hope that you enjoyed it as goofy fun.  For those that are far away and get a craving for Philly Pretzels, you can go on their website and have them shipped to you.  Dave, from the main office, told me they are shipped in dry ice and have instructions on how to prepare them.  He also told me they tested them out to get it perfect that they would taste the same as if you bought them at the Pretzel Factory yourself. 
If I just now made you drool, here is the website:

Even though it is officially June, tomorrow is another big day in the Casale house.  Our daughter Tabitha turns 1!  This time last year, soft pretzels were the furthest thing from my mind, but Tabitha thoroughly enjoys them. (Spoiler alert) If your not Tabitha, you might not be getting the pretzel tomorrow.  I do always have a surprise up my sleeve though...especially for the last day. 
I need my rest for the big day tomorrow.

Until tomorrow.....

May 30th- Close to the bitter end


May 30th Day 30- As I walked into the Pretzel Factory this morning, I again had no idea what I was going to do with the FREE PRETZEL.  I had a couple of ideas, but hoped that something would work itself out.  As I handed my punch card over to John behind the counter, he very quietly asked, "Do you want to double up today?" I politely said no and that I was going to wait to fill in my card on Friday.

When I arrived at school, I left the FREE PRETZEL in the car, thinking I might see someone who needs or deserves it today.  Tara Orsini and I started teaching in Cherry Hill at about the same time.  She started a year before me, but we both had to go through a week long teacher orientation in the summer of 2002.  I have known who she is, just because you see people in the district and you get to know faces.  Since this is my first year at Sharp, this is also my first year working in the same building as Tara.  Tara moved to second grade this year, from fourth and I think she is enjoying the adjustment.  Tara also has the thankless job of being our union rep in the building as well as a 14, 3 and 2 year-old boys at home.  Busy, busy. 

When I saw her today, she just looked like she needed a pick me up.  So in the afternoon I ventured out to the car, grabbed the pretzel and presented it to her as she was taking her class to the All Purpose Room to practice for their Character Assembly on Friday.  She chose spicey mustard as her topping of choice and was very pleased to receive the pretzel, saying "This is very kind and I needed this today.  Thanks"  You are more than welcome Tara.  I am glad it brightened your day for at least a second.

Tara looking thrilled to get her FREE PRETZEL

As I need to lay my head down to sleep tonight, I have mapped out the last two days and have a plan.  Whether I stick to it or not will be the issue.  I never know where the FREE PRETZEL might be needed most, but it is always good to have a plan.


The Devils lost in OT tonight and are down 1-0 in the Stanley Cup Finals.  They will need a big game on Friday if they have any chance at getting back in this series. 

But the Phils won and took a series from the Mets.  They are now 2 games above .500 and it's not yet June.  You never know.

A shout-out goes to all the seniors at Paul VI who will be graduating tomorrow, especially my golfers, Nick Villari, Mike Basileo, Bobby Berscak and Nick Labroli. Congrats and good luck!

It looks like the weather will start getting cooler and that is a relief.  June is right around the corner and that means Ocean City, NJ.  I cannot wait to see the boys and Tabitha run around the beach this year.  Man, I'm tired just thinking about that. I better get my rest now.

Until tomorrow....

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May 29th- It's a scorcher out there!


May 29th Day 29- Today was the first day that my FREE PRETZEL card was left with a hole unpunched since I have started this quest.  John, behind the counter, said "This just ruins you doesnt it?"  It kind of did.  I was assured that I would be able to get it "officially punched" on June 1st, but it just kind of stings for now.  I know like it seems I have been getting tired and to tell you the truth, I have.  The heat and humidity have been seeping into my brain and I am not functioning correctly.  It did not help that this morning was Field Day at Sharp Elementary.  Sharp only holds their Field Day in the morning and even so, I had 2 students leave early because of heat complications and 7 or so others go to the nurses office at some point during the day.  AWESOME! (sarcastic) 
I love Field Day, but man was it hot.

Today's recipient of the FREE PRETZEL goes to the man who was up early setting up the entire Field Day extravaganza at Sharp, Mr. Belinsky.  Mr. B, as he is affectionately called around school, not only does everything at Sharp, but he also has a 1 year old at home and is maybe the nicest guy ever.  He will tell you he is from Mt. Holly, NJ, but when he says it it actually sounds like Maholly.  I guess that is how they like to talk up there.  Just kidding Charlie.  Charlie not only put together a heck of a field day, despite the heat, he also puts together many different events at Sharp, showing great school character and school spirit, following in the footsteps of Mr. Mann.  I do not know Mr. Mann well, as he was before my time at Sharp, but his legend seems immense.  In my short time at Sharp, I see Charlie following the legend very well.  Charlie dessrves this FREE PRETZEL not just for today, but for all that he does for Sharp students, teachers and staff.  He was even the captain of our winning voelleyball team.  Not bad for his first year in that position.

Charlie immediately ate his tasty treat.

Charlie did not waste any time chomping down on the pretzel goodness.  He said it was delicious and was grateful to have been given a snack in the afternoon.  Thanks for all you do.

Only a few more days left and oh how the time flew.

Tomorrow is another day of heat and humidity.  It has to end sometime right?

Until tomorrow....  

Monday, May 28, 2012

Sunday, May 27, 2012

May 27th- The Taste Test


May 27th day 27- Today was hot and steamy out here on the east coast and so the FREE PRETZEL enjoyed riding in an air conditioned car this afternoon as he prepared to be judged against the competition.  I decided today would be a good day to see what The Original Mart Soft Pretzel Bakery had to offer.  I would like to remind everyone, that I do not care who has the better pretzels, I just love soft pretzels and since people were touting these ones, I figured I had to try them, you know to please the people.  So I drove to Cinnaminson and picked up 2 pretzels for $1.50.  The Pretzel Factory in Collingswood has them 3 for $1.50 and Mondays 3 for $1.  I also purchased a small Boost.  I went with the original Boost and after I saw that the frozen kind looked much better, I knew I made a mistake.  The Boost brought me back to my childhood, to a drink that I never really liked then, but I said I would try now.  Katie had a sip too. The face Katie gave after she had a sip said it all.  She asked "Does someone just brew that in their basement?"  Probably, but if I ever go back to the Pretzel Mart again, I will be having the frozen kind, if any at all. 

Here is the shot before we indulged
Pretzel Mart on top, FREE PRETZEL on bottom
I have to just say that the boys, Tabitha, Katie and I, enjoyed both pretzels.  The Pretzel Mart definitely has a harder coating, but not in a bad way.  For the overall money I would choose Pretzel Factory every time.  More bang for your buck.  Like I said, I like pretzels.  I like FREE PRETZELS even more, so I will continue to be a patron at my local Philly Soft Pretzel Factory since it is close and they are pretty good to me.  But if I ever get the hankering for pretzels while in Cinnaminson, I know where to go.  They did have an interesting variety that I may try and sneak sometime.

Just my last thought for today.  I wanted this blog to be something that made people happy and again bring some joy into the world.  I can be as sarcastic as the next guy, but isn't it time to just be nice?  I said this before, but I feel like this blog has opened my eyes to not looking for that zinger, but to see people be happy and positive.  With all the negativity going on everywhere, sometimes it is just good to see positive things happen.  Being and staying positive has be a better choice for everyone. 

That's all I got.

Until tomorrow...I mean Tuesday

Enjoy your Memorial Day and remember all those that gave their lives to serve our country.    

May 26th- ROAD TRIP!!!!


May 26th Day 26- Today was a busy day.  My mom and dad have been planning to go to my dad's 50th year college reunion for more than a year now.  Who knew their trip would coincide with my FREE PRETZEL month?   I decided this was a perfect opportunity for them to take today's pretzel on a road trip.  Taking the pretzel out to South Bend, Indiana would have been cool, but since they were stopping in Columbus, Ohio to see my brother and his family, I figured they could enjoy the Philly Pretzel goodness.  So here is today's blog through pictures...
This is Dave.  He was in the Philly Preztel Factory in Collingswood today.  He is from the home office and was nice enough to take a picture with the FREE PRETZEL when he learned it would be making a car trip

The Volunteers getting ready for their all day trip. 
Don't they look excited?
The FREE PRETZEL wrapped and buckled in! Here we go!
Dad...I mean the FREE PRETZEL needed to stop for a snack

While the FREE PRETZEL made its way to Ohio, the Casale family back in New Jersey took in the Collingswood MayFair

Patrick with a shark, after he went fishing.

Declan rode a pony named Angel.  He had a pretty good time
Time for a pit stop...almost there!

The FREE PRETZEL made it to Ohio in one piece.
Mike, Ally, Gabriel and baby Mia all said it was great...and still fresh...kind of.
Gabriel may have enjoyed it the most though.

So now I can say I achieved another thing with this blog.  A four state journey, compliments of my parents.  I hope they got to enjoy some of the pretzel too.  They deserved it.  Thanks mom and dad!
Mike was pleased and surprised to get the FREE PRETZEL.

A big shout-out to Dave for being a good sport.  He also said that they will definitely honor my FREE PRETZEL even though they are closed on Monday.  He said if we have to double up or do June 1st that they will. Perfect!

I hope you enjoyed the day in pictures!

Until tomorrow....

Saturday, May 26, 2012

May 25th- Still my birthday?

May 25th Day 25- As I said in my previous post, my birthday usually does continue for a few days.  Friday was no different.  I took in lunch with some of my former grade level partners and former colleagues. It was a very nice and enjoyable lunch at Pizza Fresca.  Joining me were Linda Stimeck, Rachel Morgan, Shirley Perkins and Janet Kolodzey.  Together they form a group that I miss dearly.  Linda retired last year and is living the good life, traveling, hanging in Brigantine, doing whatever she wants, including learning how to play golf.   Shirley and Rachel are my former 5th grade partners who always have a special place in my professional and personal life.  I don't know how you still do it?  You are stronger than me. The three of them are the recipients of the FREE PRETZEL today.  (Janet was honored earlier this month)

They were all very honored.  I learned a lot from all of them and would not be the teacher I am today with out their guidance, creativity and wisdom that they would share with me over the past 10 years. It as great to spend time with them and just chat about how they all were doing.  They really were some of the best coworkers I have ever had.

 Linda has the best deal going now though.  How long do I have until then?  I thanked them very much for taking me out for my birthday.  Rachel and Shirley even brought birthday cards from my former students.  That was awesome.  Thank you ladies so much for just keeping in touch.  I hope you enjoyed your FREE PRETZEL and if not, then shared it with someone who would. 
The trio about to enjoy their special treat for the day.
My Happy Birthday balloon that my class gave to me

More birthday decorations from my class
When I went to the Pretzel Factory this morning, I noticed there was a sign on the front door.  It said "We will be closed on Monday May 28th for Memorial Day."  I gasped at the thought, but was reassured by Anthony that he thought I would still be compensated for the missed day.  Let's hope they get it figured out.

Tonight was both exhilarating and exhausting.  Right after the Devils beat the Rangers in OT to win game 6, clinch the series and a spot in the Stanley Cup Finals, Miss Tabitha decided she was awake.  As I went to rock her down, Declan woke up, sat with me for a minute and then wanted a drink of water.  As I got him a drink of water, and then put him back down, Tabitha woke up again or maybe never actually went down. So I picked her up and we watched the highlights and analysis of the Devils game together until after three yawns it was a good time to put her down.  I finally plopped back down on the couch, fearful that she might wake up again.  Then I fell asleep.  I was awakened by a loud "thump" and then crying.  Declan had fallen out of bed.  So I ran in and snatched him up and put him in our bed.  Needless to say, the blog did not get done and it is a tad late today. 
That didn't stop me from still soaking in Martin Brodeur's 5th trip to the Stanley Cup Finals in the last 17 years.  Wednesday will be fun.

Let's Go Devils!!!

Tomorrow promised to be steamy and I have an interesting idea for the FREE PRETZEL.  Let's hope it all works out.

Until tomorrow....or later today

Friday, May 25, 2012

May 24th- MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!


May 24th Day 24- Today was my birthday.  It is a special day.  As I quoted a few days ago, your birthday should always be a special occasion.  It is the one day every year that is always about you.  You never know if you will get other days, but this day is yours.

I get the privilege of spending my birthday with my class every once in a while and this one was awesome.  I arrived a little bit later to school today, but a few of the students surprised me with decorations and a giant chocolate cake. I forgot my camera so I was unable to take pictures.  Sorry.  I did however take a picture of giant cards that they made me.
I have a great class. They made me cards during Art
I sprung for 25 pretzels for my class and my 5th grade teachers
Although this day was for me, I like to also share in my great day.  I want everyone to have fun on my birthday...especially my class.  We had a nice day, enjoying fresh, warm, pretzels in the morning and then sweet chocolate cake in the afternoon.  It wasn't a party, just a relaxing time.

When I got home it was more of the same.  I relaxed with my parents, marinated and grilled a pork tenderloin and had a nice dinner on the back porch.  I enjoyed ice cream cake, my favorite, with my parents, sister and Katie, and it was really nice. 

My Jesus year (the year that you are 33, the year Jesus died) has ended and some Catholics believe you have to compare yourself to what Jesus did before he died.  It is a running one liner in our house.  Katie birthed 3 babies before her Jesus year was up.  What would I do?  The pretzel blog is pretty good.  Is this the modern day loaves of bread and fishes? HA!

The FREE PRETZEL however, goes to my parents today, not me.  My parents, Tony and Barb have been with me every step of the way.  Having six kids and just being there for all of us, deserves a pretzel within itself, but my parents are the ones who started this.  My fondest memories of pretzels come from Phillies games and buying the pretzels five for a $1 oustide Veterans Stadium after the games.  I almost don't remember a time that we didn't get them.  We would also get them at parades and public events, but it was the Phillies games that always stuck with me. 

My parents have supported me in everything I have done and this blog is no different.  My mom has emailed me with words of encouragement and suggestions and both have followed along with each passing day.  I do not know where I would be without them.  They have just been there for everything.  Sports games, concerts, the musical in high school.  Even just this past year they have been to one of my soccer games that I played over in Philly and they have come to see me coach volleyball at Paul VI and before that basketball at Moorestown Friends.  My dad was even my assistant for the golf team for 5 years.  Without him, I would not even have been able to coach. 

They are just amazing people and now continue to be awesome grandparents.  Thanks so much for always being there, no matter what.  Enjoy your 50 year reunion dad! (they are headed to South Bend next week)

I love you guys very much. Thanks
My mom and dad doing their best Lady and the Tramp

As all great things come to an end, so does this 34th birthday.  It was not without some cool stuff though.  Take a look at the small sampling of my presents....
An assortment of the presents I got this year.  Not bad

Thank you to everyone that gave me a gift, even though you did not have to.  Your gesture was extremely nice.  I love all of them. 

My shout-outs go to those that also share a birthday with me today...Fred Wittenberg, Nick Brooks and Mrs. Skoviak (my third grade math teacher). I know there might be others, but those are the ones I will always remember.  I also want to thank Mrs. Redmond's 1st grade class at Sharp Elementary for making me feel like a king.  (sorry I dont have a picture, but they gave me a crown to wear for the day) 

I would like to thank my 5th grade class and also Katie for making this another great birthday!

Even though my official birthday is over, I do however like to extend it to the weekend, so the partying will continue.

Until tomorrow.....

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May 23rd- Keeping it in the family


May 23rd Day 23- Today was another great day of giving out a FREE PRETZEL....with some help.  Katie again comes through today as she picked up and presented the pretzel to today's recipient.  When I found out that my sister Lauren did indeed have off work today, I had to abandon my plan to pick the FREE PRETZEL up this morning and therefore leave the punch card with the babysitter (gasp)!  My sister could not come to our house until this evening and I had my last golf match after school (we lost).  So I asked Katie to pick up the FREE PRETZEL so Lauren could get it this evening.  She again did a great job, but did not pass on any stories from the Pretzel Factory.

My sister Lauren deserves this FREE PRETZEL from me for soooo many reasons.  Lauren has been an amazing aunt to our three kids and has always been there for us in a pinch or just becuase she like watching our kids.  She, like Mary and Caitlyn, has been out-of-this-world kind to our family.  She deserves much more than a pretzel.  Lauren was also my assistant golf coach last year and probably could get a pretzel just for that.  I was sad that she did not return this year, but I understood.  Lauren started a new job this week as a manager at Hollister in the Neshaminy Mall.  I wish her the best of luck in this endeavor and hope this FREE PRETZEL made the transition to the daily workplace a little easier.  She was very pleased to get it as you can see by the picture. 
She even texted after she left "Thanks so much for the pretzel.  It was delicious." 
You are definitely welcome.

She just devours the FREE PRETZEL!

But then she figured she would share a little with her hungry nephews.
Didn't they just eat dinner?

Thanks Lauren for all you have done for me and for our family.  We cannot thank you enough...or maybe a pretzel tray next time?

I am pretty pumped up right now after watching Cole Hamels pitch a gem and the Devils take Game 5 to force the clincher at home on Friday!  GO DEVILS!!!!

I want to give a few shout-outs- Jaynee Brosnan, a teacher at Sharp school, celebrated her birthday today.  I hope she had a great day!

Also in the comment page on yesterday's blog there was a Brian Cornell sighting!
Thanks for reading Cornell.  We getting that Ryder Cup trip together for the fall?

Lastly, I will give a shout-out to my Paul VI golf team, which almost pulled off an amazing upset today against Seneca.  We finished the season 9-10, but I was extremely proud of their effort all year.  Next year will be our year.

Tomorrow is a special day and I cannot wait to spend it with my family.

UNTIL TOMORROW........(said with much excitement and anticipation)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

May 22nd- A day for my Mom-Mom

 May 22nd Day 22- Today was another overcast morning as I walked into the Pretzel Factory. The same older gentleman from the past couple of days (I really should ask his name) served me.  He must not recognize me, because he looks stunned at my punch card each time and seems to think "What idiot could have possibly filled this in?"Anyway, I am through two full rows on the card and start the third row tomorrow. I am amazed, just as I am in the school year, at how fast this went.

Today was an easy one.  My Mom-Mom, Mary Morris is 94 and has alzheimers.  She lives in an assisted living home and since she recently moved there in January, I have been to visit her twice, including today.  My Mom-Mom does not really know who anyone is around her and it is sad.  We have gotten used to it though, since it has been so long since she was diagnosed, but it is still hard.  She has been in and out of the hosptial recently for various issues, but has always said kind things, like,"It's been so long since I've seen you. It's so nice to see you." or "This is such a nice surprise."  I have many fond memories of my Mom-Mom, especially during the holidays, sitting on the curb in front of my Aunt Joey's house in Wenonah watching the 4th of July parade.  I remember her being at the shore in Ocean City and her giving me $2 so I could go play miniature golf.  I remember doing yardwork around her house and her looking disapprovingly at the job I did, nevermind the cuts an scrapes I had all over my body from the holly bushes or the endless amount of sweat pouring from my face.  She always had one more thing for us to do. 

When I started this blog, my Aunt Liz, Aunt Kathy and my mom all told me that I needed to give her a pretzel because she loved them.  I had no idea.  So I knew I would get around to it.  My Mom-Mom was in the hospital until yesterday, so barring any dietary restrictions, thought today would be a perfect day for her to have a pretzel. I met my mom at my mom-mom's place and we went to her table together during lunch.  She said hi and said "It's a nice surprise to see you."  I did not go into details, but told her that I was here to give her a pretzel.  Her eyes lit up and she said "I love pretzels."  Even though her lunch had just arrived and she was still finishing her soup, she immediately broke off a piece and said "This looks delicious.  I am going to have a piece now.  Would you like a piece?"  It was really cool to see her so happy.  I was pretty pleased to have my mom there too. 

Mom-Mom immediately enjoying her pretzel.
She posed like that, I didnt even say anything

This was a special day and I am now kind of happy I have this blog just to be able to look back on this day whenever I want to remember my Mom-Mom.

I don't know how I could top this, but

Until tomorrow....

Monday, May 21, 2012

May 21st- Tim back in control


May 21 Day 21- Today was a weird day.  I had a whole bunch of ideas that I wanted to go through with, but none of them were able to pan out.  Whoops.  Sometimes that happens.  I want to thank everyone for the response to Katie's turn as blogger yesterday.  She really is awesome and might even be better than me at this....wait a second!  Just kidding.  She had fun and I am glad it worked out yesterday.

Funny thing that happened this morning: I walked into the Pretzel Factory morning and Anthony was hard at work making the pretzels.  The older gentleman who has been serving me during weekdays saw my card (with all the days punched) and said, "I haven't seen one like this yet." Anthony then chimed in and said he saw one close, but the guy had one day unpunched.  This guy thought they were closed on Sunday. HA!  I guess I am still winning!  What?...I have no idea.

Like I said, I had many ideas today, but none of them happened, so I decided to enjoy the FREE PRETZEL myself and make a little homemade creation.  Here is the progression

Plain pretzel, a little stale since it was evening.

Pretzel covered in fresh cheddar cheese

Pretzel covered in melted cheddar cheese after 1 minute in microwave

I have to say that I enjoyed the snack, but would have liked it if it was a stronger cheddar. 

The Devils just won game 4 of their series with the Rangers.  Tied 2-2 now and headed back to MSG.  Great series so far. 

Phils and Sixers lost.  Cmon Philly!

I wanted to give a shout out to my friend Desiree' Caldwell, who celebrated her birthday today.  She was supposed to go on a hot air balloon ride and the weather did that in.  Sorry Des.  Hope the shout out helps!

I wanted to send out a quote from the young adult novel that my class is currently reading.  It is called Masterpiece and it discusses birthdays, which I think its pretty cool.

"A person's birthday should be a special day, a wonderful day, a day of pure celebration for the luck of being born!"

I like this quote and will remember it for a while.  That is why I like to celebrate my birthday for a week or so.  It should be an event, right?  Think about it the next time you have a birthday.  Make it special

I'm tired again and I am back to not knowing what to do with the FREE PRETZEL again.  I guess...

Until tomorrow....

Sunday, May 20, 2012

May 20th- Katie takes over for a day

May 20th Day 20- Tim was away this weekend, so I was deputized to get the pretzel and also given free rein to determine the recipient.   I was also given the rights to blog about my own day rather than have Tim tell you my story. 
Before I go into the details of who got the FREE PRETZEL (all caps, just like Tim) I should say that I love this blog and appreciate all the people who take time to read it.  Tim is always saying such nice things about me that I wanted to take a moment to say something nice about him.  A blog where he gives away one of his favorite things to other people is a great fit for who he is as a person.  He is a great guy, a fantastic  dad, and he does the trash and mows the lawn (two things I dislike immensely).  Our sister-in-law, Cathy, told me once (well before we were even married or all that serious!) that the great thing about Tim is that he does not know any strangers.  She was so right.  Five minutes with him and Tim is at comfortable talking to almost anyone.  Tim makes friends with ease, keeps friends forever, and really knows how to be a good friend.  I am a lucky woman.
My journey to pick up the pretzel started the night before when Tim passed over the punch card and I was official as a FREE PRETZEL deputy.  The kids and I had a nice morning before we headed out to run a bunch of errands.  The big event was our trip to Target where I fit all 3 of them in one shopping cart that I am sure was bigger than a Smart Car.  Photographic evidence to follow.  We made it through our list by me calling out the next item in "excited parent voice" so that Patrick and Declan could look around the aisles for it while Tabitha left a trail of snacks in our wake.  Whew.
Photgraphic evidence of the trip to Target
That's how we roll!

Then I picked up the FREE PRETZEL.

Then I gave it to my good friend Rina who kindly came over to hang out with me for the afternoon so I could talk to another grown-up.  Awesome.  She is a great friend and just like Tim I don't think she knows any strangers either.  Rina truly is one of the nicest, most welcoming people I know.  She is generous, funny, a good mom, an athlete, a speech therapist who appreciates lisping just like I do, and very good at giving driving directions to anywhere in South Jersey.  I am lucky to have her as my friend. 
Rins posing with her FREE PRETZEL!

Final thought:  FREE PRETZELS are fun to give away.  Fifty Shades of Grey is crap.

Until tomorrow....

May 19th- For a Good Cause

May 19th Day 19- Today was a special day.  The whole family took part in the Angelman Syndrome Foundation 5k walk with our friends, Kevin and Kate Grugan and their children Hope and Jack.  We were also joined by many Grugan and Davies family members as well as Nick and Melissa Lehmann and their kids Jake and Nate.  It was maybe the best weather day of the year and all for a great cause.  This walk was the largest Angelman Walk in the country.  It was pretty cool to be a part of the that for the second straight year.  It was also cool to be a part of the largest team in the walk...Team Hope.
Thanks for having us on your team again!

The entire Grugan family were the recipients of the FREE PRETZEL and I am pretty sure they all had their fair share. 
Jack was very eager to chow down on the pretzel.

Hope needed to get in on this sweet action

The whole Grugan Fam!

I am sorry for getting this blog out late.  I was out on Satuday and Sunday this weekend.  Be sure to check out Day 20 as we have a guest blogger!

Until tomorrow....