Thursday, May 30, 2013

Day 28- Super Sub!

May 28th Day 28- With my surgery quickly approaching, I have been scrambling to make sure things would run smoothly in my classroom and in our home.  The home has been taken care of mostly by Katie, with a little help from me, but my classroom needed to be put in the care of someone capable. 

After surgery, my basic requirement will be to rest.  I will be wearing a soft collar around my neck and probably be in a good amount of pain.  So my job will be to rest and recover. No immediate therapy is said to be required.  I will unfortunately be out of work for at least 9 days, until I am cleared by my doctor to return.  So instead of it being a pot-luck of revolving subs, I just went out and got one of the best.

Pat Baeckstrom, has been a sub in Cherry Hill for about 7 years.  She is a former Stockton parent, although I never had her daughter.  She has two older sons who have graduated from Notre Dame, so the instant connection will always be there.  She bleeds Blue and Gold now and is even very active with the South Jersey Club of Notre Dame, along with her husband.  I am pretty sure that she has subbed for me before, but would have no idea when that once happened.  She agreed to fulfill this 9 day period, and on this day met with me to go over my plans.  She has GIGANTIC shoes to fill. 
Just kidding

Pat seemed happy that she was the FREE PRETZEL recipient, but kindly declined to have her picture taken. She is more than up to the challenge of being with my students and I can't thank her enough.  I hope the small gesture of this FREE PRETZEL was enough for now.

Thanks Pat.

I'm nervous, but know that I am in good hands on Thursday.  I am sorry for being late with the blog the last few days.  I have been a little busy trying to get my "ducks in a row"

Nice win by the Phils tonight- Lee pitched a good one...again.  Can he pitch every game?

Until yesterday... (ha) 

Monday, May 27, 2013

Day 27- Memorial Day

May 27th Day 27- We honor all those who have fought for, are fighting for and will fight for our freedoms.  We shall never forget their sacrifices and the sacrifices of their families and friends.

Flying our flag
With that being said, the kids and I headed to Riverside to take in their Memorial Day Parade.  This is the same parade that I used to attend with my family when I was a kid.  It was a gorgeous day and we even sat right across the street from Sweeney Funeral Home, where my family used to sit.

Anxiously awaiting the parade to start.
All three kids were great.  Even when we had to keep waiting when one of the fire trucks sped out of the parade to go answer a call.  The whole parade stopped and did not start again until the truck returned.  It was only about 15 minutes, but it was frantic. 
Tibby enjoying a lollipop.
When the parade did get going, the kids thoroughly enjoyed candy being thrown from almost every participant.  It was complete with three sections, Riverside groups, Delanco groups and finally Delran groups.  It was pretty cool.  I got to see the Delran High School Golden Regiment Marching Band and plenty of Delran fire trucks bringing up the rear.
Golden Regiment Marching Band
Delran Firefighters
It was a really nice time and the hour went by fast.  We may make this a new tradition.

Oh the pretzel. Well since the Pretzel Factory was open today, I headed up there in the afternoon, with no idea what to do with it.  I brought it back home and since the crew was pretty hungry I put it out on the table and...
Finger swear

We all promised to share it.  In thirty seconds...
You cannot leave a soft pretzel unattended in our house
It was gone.  Nothing wrong with that.  We then headed on a long walk around Newton Lake to walk it off.  It was a great day of a parade, rest, playing in the back yard, sharing the pretzel, taking a fun walk while finding frogs and turtles and then Finding Nemo to end the day.  Not bad.
I hope your Memorial Day and weekend were just as fabulous.

Only a few days left and then another FREE PRETZEL a day for a month will be gone for another year.

I wonder what these last 4 days might hold?

Oh and by the way, the Philly Soft Pretzel mascot has a name. Phil E.  No seriously, that's what it is.  Just thought you all should know.

Until tomorrow...

Day 26- For our Neighbors

 May 26th Day 26- On this Memorial Day Sunday I decided to take time to honor our neighbors Ron and Alan. I never told them about the blog so they were surprised to hear about, but very pleased to be getting a FREE PRETZEL.

Our neighbors to our left have been here since we moved in and ever so quick with a hand or a favor if we ever needed one.  They share a love for television with me and we are often talking about the newest shows and what we think is worth watching these days.  They have an amazing looking yard and it is something I aspire to have.  If only I had the time! 
They declined a picture with the FREE PRETZEL, but they were happy to receive their treat from Patrick and Declan, who were more than eager to give them away.

Flying their flag on Memorial Day
Since they declined the picture, I thought it would be appropriate to show a little of their hedges and also their flag flying.  I know they enjoyed it because they snacked while we talked and the boys ran circles around everyone.  We are happy to have such wonderful neighbors.  Thanks.

It was yard work day in the Casale house.  I mowed and weed whacked the entire yard, trimmed the hedges and attempted to stamp out the weeds.  Katie turned over and weeded our side garden.  The kids played in the back for most of the afternoon before we all shared pasta and meatballs for Sunday dinner.

When I arrived at the Soft Pretzel Factory they informed me that they would be open on Memorial Day, not so last year, so I will make sure that I stop by for my FREE PRETZEL on Monday.

Birthday shout out to Terry McCarron.  Boston College grad, (we forgive him) but a former housemate in Pensacola and fellow ACE graduate.  Hope you had a nice birthday Terry!

Until tomorrow...

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Day 25: May Fair in Collingswood

May 25th Day 25- Today was the May Fair stretching almost the entire length of Haddon Ave, in Collingswood.  It is a fun street fair filled with vendors, carnival like food, rides and this year, wind and chills.  As opposed to most years that have contained heat and sweat. Here are a few things that we did:

Declan rode a pony.  Her name was Cinnamon
The boys rode ponies while Tabitha clung to Katie.  The boys also did a little jumping in a bounce house/slide.  They had fun.  We walked up and down and saw all the sights, except for the Classic Cars.  We practiced amazing restraint by not buying anything, except Kettle Corn for the kids, but still enjoyed ourselves.
Patrick rode a pony.  His name was Outlaw
Then we went and got the FREE PRETZEL.  He decided to have a day out too.

Pretzel Factory mascot?
 Apparently the Soft Pretzel Factory has a mascot.  I have no idea what it is, but leave it to Philadelphia to have a mascot that no one knows what it actually is.
The pretzel needed to worship.

 Then the pretzel had other things to do:
Drop off some mail
Stop and smell the flowers
 And finally...

The pretzel taking in Star Trek: Into Darkness
It was a really good movie that I highly recommend.  If nothing else, this movie, plus his other accomplishments, has instilled full faith that he will continue the Star Wars legacy in spectacular fashion.  I am highly anticipating those new ones.

Birthday shout outs- Fellow Delran High school alum and soccer player teammate, Mike Romello.  Hope it as a good one. 

-ND alum, ND track Star and O'Neill Hall member, Gabe Seaman.  Gabe is a huge hockey fan, but unfortunately he happens to be from Pittsburgh.  Good luck in the Eastern Finals.

The Memorial Day weekend continues and it is supposed to heat up a little more Sunday and maybe Monday.  I wonder what mischief or happiness the FREE PRETZEL will bring?

Until tomorrow...

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Day 24- MY BIRTHDAY!!!!

May 24th- Day 24- The 35th installment of my birthday took place today.  A tradition unlike any other.  Oh wait that is something else.  Anyway, it was a great day, but man did it get cold quickly.  I swear I had nothing to do with it.  I love fall, but never on my birthday!
I rolled to the Soft Philly Pretzel Factory with the kids and when I walked in I ordered 25 pretzels, plus the FREE PRETZEL!  It was my birthday, so I needed to bring in treats for the class.  Unfortunately the Pretzel Factory is very busy on Fridays and as John looked around he noticed there wasn't enough. He told me it would be 10 minutes, so I jumped back in the car, took Tabitha to the sitter and drove on back.  I walked up to see a bag of 26 pretzels waiting for me.

Class treat for my birthday!
My birthday is special to me as it should be to everyone.  Therefore when I have the opportunity to actually share it with someone, I think that is a quick bond, no matter how old you are.  A first year Educational Assistant at Sharp School happened to have the same birthday as me, so by default she had to get the FREE PRETZEL, even if I don't even know her that well.

Nicole works with Mrs. Patrizzi, recipient from May 8th last year, in here 2nd and 3rd grade inclusion class. Like I said she is in her first year at Sharp and seems to have acclimated herself well.  She seemed excited to receive the FREE PRETZEL and I was happy to give it to someone who shares my actual birthday.  That made me happy. Ha!  Hope you enjoyed it Nicole.

I want to thank Steve and Jackie for taking me out to lunch.  It was a very nice time. Thanks!

I want to thank my educational Assistant Mrs. D, recipient on Day 3 this month, for providing my class with brownies.  It was a nice afternoon treat. 

When I finally did return home after getting pizza from Wegmans, I was greeted at the door by all the kids and they informed me, "We're eating chips daddy!"  Katie was kind enough to get Herr's BBQ and Sour Cream and Onion chips.  My favorite. 

My parents and my sister Lauren joined us for dinner and ice cream cake, also my favorite.  My mom surprised me with this:
A pretzel cake!
It was awesome.  She said I always give out pretzels and never get one, so she baked me a Pretzel cake.  It was complete with salt for icing, which I very much enjoyed. It was a great day.
Thanks mom! Thanks Katie.  Thanks Patrick, Declan, Tabitha, Dad and Lauren.  It was great to have you all there.

Turning 35 with a pretzel by my side.
It is always great to have my family with me for my birthday, but all I really wanted to do was go to the movies at some point this weekend.  We shall see what the rest of the weekend brings.  Maybe I might even get in some golf?

The May Fair is in Collingswood on Saturday and that should spark some ideas for the FREE PRETZEL.  Just wait and see.

Shout outs (same as last year): My shout-outs go to those that also share a birthday with me today...Fred Wittenberg, Nick Brooks and Mrs. Skoviak (my third grade math teacher). I know there might be others, but those are the ones I will always remember.

Until tomorrow...(or later today)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Day 23- A former student doing good works

May 23rd- Day 23- Spencer Levy is now a sixth grader at Beck Middle School, but two years ago he was a student in my 4th grade and last class at Stockton Elementary school.  Spencer has raised more than $3,200 for CHOP, the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia through something he calls Cookies for Kids campaign.  When Spencer was in first grade, and only 6 years old, he just decided that he wanted try and help out children that were in the hospital.  He did not know anyone there, nor was anyone in his family affected by illness.  He just thought it was a good idea.  Amazing right? 
He started in 2008 and decided, with the help of his mom, Julie, that it would be a good idea to have a bake sale and donate all the proceeds to CHOP. Each year he has raised more money than the year before.  In 2012 he raised $1,052 and this year he has raised over $1300 and still counting.
Spencer could not wait to dig into his FREE PRETZEL
Spencer was a great student in my class.  He was always full of energy and always very giving, which is why it does not surprise me that he would be doing something like this.  I get excited when young people that I teach or that I am around take the initiative to give back and do something so kind.  Spencer is definitely a free spirit, but ponders the ways of the world.  My son Patrick reminds me a lot of Spencer. Spencer loves to wear Tie-Dye and Crocs, just like Patrick.  Spencer is always wondering and asking questions, just like Patrick.  I think Patrick will have someone to look up someday.

I talked with Spencer for a few minutes and he said he really likes Middle School. He was a really good artist in my class and told me he likes having two Art periods.  He was excited to get the pretzel and I was happy to give it to him. Keep up the good work!

Spencer has been written up on Suburban Family Magazine as a Citizen of the Year for 2012, as well as the Cherry Hill Schools website, the Courier Post and Cherry Hill Sun.  Words cannot describe how proud his parents are of him.  I am extremely proud to call him a former student and applaud him on this selfless act.  I hope he keeps it going for years to come.  I am sure you are an inspiration to many.  Thanks Spencer and I hope you enjoyed your treat.

Birthday Shout out- Jaynee Brosnan, had her birthday today.  Jaynee teaches at Sharp School and also handles the thankless job of being Union Rep.  I hope you had a great birthday Jaynee.

Thank you shout out to the Sanchirico family for hosting our golf team BBQ tonight.  It was successful as always. 

You have been warned that you are out of shopping days!

UNTIL TOMORROW...(I love when my birthday is on a weekend!)

Day 22- Two mentors and The Big City

 May 22nd- Day 22- As you can clearly see, in the picture above, we are through the second line on the punch card and only a week or so left of this May fun. Who is still hungry? I know that many of you have asked about getting a FREE PRETZEL and although even some of my closest friends and relatives have not had one yet, I can assure you that I am not trying to slight anyone.  Sometimes, on this journey, I have to go with logistics and make the best of it.

Today I honored two people who have been instrumental in my coaching career.  Tony Mitchell is the AD at Paul VI and Donna Camardo is his assistant.  Tony handles the day-today operations and Donna handles any thing that the coaches need to do, remember and take care of.  They are both great people, who do their best to tell it like it is.  They are usually fine with me because golf is not on school grounds and my teams have not caused them any trouble or given them headaches. 
Donna said she loves pretzels and was excited to enjoy your afternoon snack
Donna is also the girl's basketball coach and a teacher at the school.  She has a lot of hats to wear at PVI, but she never seems to get upset and I always see her smiling.  Her smile got even bigger when I gave her the FREE PRETZEL.    
Tony said he doesn't pose for pictures, so I nabbed a quick candid
Tony gave up the head baseball coaching job at PVI to become AD.  He hired me and has been nothing but supportive and understanding.  It's always nice to exchange witty banter with him and to hear his stories.  I really enjoy them.  Donna and Tony are called upon to please many people, because, as we all know, sports tends to be bigger than it should to some people.  They have to deal with students, parents, coaches, teachers, administrators and each other.  It's amazing how well they do it on a daily basis.  I hope that I was able to provide them with a little break from it all with the FREE PRETZEL.  I would like to thank them for all they have done for me as a coach and especially for the opportunity.  I think I tell them that a lot, but hey, I really like what I do and I might as well thank those that are supportive and instrumental in my growth.  Thanks

For those of you that are close to me, you may know this already, but I will be having spinal surgery next Thursday. Apparently a few vertebrae in my neck are pushing on my spinal column and the surgeon needs to go in and relieve that pressure.

Today I needed to go into Philadelphia for pre-operation testing.  I had to go through a series of tests in 3 different buildings in Philadelphia, all within a block of each other within the Rothman Institute.  It was interesting to see the hustle and bustle of Philly during he day.  I guess I really had not seen it on a work day and it was funny to me.

A few sights and observations from my day:
1) The man that took my blood, Randy, was amazing.  I did not even feel it.  It was the best blood taking I have ever had. We had some fun banter for a few minutes.  After I told him that it was the easiest time ever getting my blood taken, he said this "Nurses are trained and taught how to put things IN people.  I was trained and taught how to take things OUT of people."  It made sense at the time and since nurses are the only people that have ever taken my blood.

Before he took my blood he said "Do you have any problems with your blood being taken?"  I replied, "I don't like it." To which he quickly responded "You don't have problems, you have issues."  He may have been the best part of my day.

3) The girl in radiology that took my chest X-ray was either having a really good day or she loves her job.  She was happy, bubbly and my X-ray only took 2 minutes.  Since it was the last thing I did, I was relieved and pleased to be done.

The day was filled with interesting sights and sounds, that would not be done justice by my explanation.  If you live or work in a city then you know what I am talking about.  If not then you need to go in just once.  Crazy.

Since I got a few extra pretzels yesterday, I happened to have one left over.  I was cooking burgers last night, so I decided to try something:

Ta-da! It was actually pretty good.  I probably should have tried to warm up the pretzel in the microwave, because it was a little hard, but I topped it with, cheese, mustard, ketchup and pickles and it was tasty.  It helps that I made a pretty good burger too.  All on the skillet.  It's the only way I do burgers anymore.  They are amazing and easy.

Melissa Tacey- fellow ND alum and former dorm president turned Resident Assistant (just like me) celebrated her 35th birthday yesterday.  I am pretty sure she had a good time.  She usually does.  Hope you had a great birthday! Will I see you soon?

-To the PVI golf team who closed out our season with a win over Cherry Hill East.  Our final record was 12-7, which is not too shabby and one of our best seasons ever.  Congrats!

What will tomorrow bring?  Who knows?  I've stopped wondering and tried to just see what happens.

Until tomorrow...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Day 21- A day to be humble


May 21st- Day 21- I walked into the Soft Pretzel Factory and John behind the counter was actually singing.  I said, "You sound happy today?"  He replied, " I just sold my house and I moving to Florida in 6 weeks."  Good for you John. Good for you.

I nabbed the FREE PRETZEL and headed on down Haddon Ave.  Today was a day to be humble.

Most of you that are reading this probably know me pretty well.  I am extremely competitive, sometimes to the point that it consumes me.  I coach both golf and girls volleyball at Paul VI High School.  This year is my 8th year coaching golf and coming into the season knew we might have a pretty good team.  We play in the Olympic Conference, which is one of the tougher conferences in South Jersey.  Since I took over we have been a pretty average team, with a few seasons over .500 winning percentage and a few under.  High School sports tend to ebb and flow with some exceptions.  Some programs gain notoriety and continue many years of success because of the athletes or in some cases the coach that creates a strong program.  I would love to say that I will coach for a long time and hopefully build a strong golf program that I will be proud of.  So far, things have gone well.

This year, we knew that we would have a tough go in the division because Bishop Eustace returned their entire team from last year, but I still thought we could be competitive and give them a run.  Sometimes you never know with golf.

I already mentioned that we defeated Seneca twice, which for us, was a first. After the second win, we had two division matches left, Cherry Hill West and the Eustace.  A win against West and we would have a least a shot, with a win over Eustace to share the division title.  Unfortunately it was not to be as West picked the wrong day to shoot their team best for the year and beat us by 2.  That clinched the division for Eustace and basically made our match today meaningless.

I guess Eustace didn't know that though, because when I showed up to the course today, I congratulated their coach, Mike Foley, and presented him with today's FREE PRETZEL and he had no idea that we had lost the day before.  He told his team that this was for the division.  And boy did they step up.

It's not a trophy, but it probably tastes better.
Mike has been the coach at Eustace since probably a little bit longer than when I came on to the scene.  When I first started we had a couple of years when we were competitive with them, but recently they have owned us. We hadn't beaten them since 2008 and this year would be no different.  Coming into today's match, Eustace was 17-1 with their only loss being a 1 stroke loss to Washington Twp.  They left this match 18-1.  They beat us 153-167, with scores of 38, 38, 38 and 39 from their Top 4 golfers.  A very impressive day indeed.  I have always been impressed with the way Mike runs his teams and in a way have tried to emulate his style.  Coaching golf can be tricky and is unlike any other sport, because we cannot coach the kids once the match starts. 

Mike has been a good friend for these 8 years, showing me the ropes and we always have a good time playing golf.  We both are competitive and that makes things fun.  Even before they beat us today, he received the FREE PRETZEL for winning the division and being a good guy.   Sometimes its good to be a good sport and give credit when it's due.  He immediately had some bites and even shared some with me and my assistant Joe.  It was a good day for Eustace and maybe even a better day for Mike, since he got a pretzel.  He seemed happy to have a snack and that made me happy.  Next year we are gunning for that title.  There's always a next year.

Happy birthday shout-out to former Stockton colleague and current Bret Harte 5th grade teacher Desiree' Caldwell.  She spent her birthday on a field trip to Philadelphia.  I hope you had fun!

Until tomorrow...

Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 20- Still more clouds?


May 20th Day 20- Today began cloudy, wet and warm.   It almost felt like what the inside of the Philly Soft Pretzel Factory feels like every day.  A very strong smell of garlic was emanating from the place, so I guess someone had a hankering for garlic pretzel rods. I'm not a big fan of those.  I like to stick with salt.  

Sr. Elizabeth was all smiles when I told her I brought her a pretzel
I drove to school today with a few ideas for the FREE PRETZEL, but I settled on Sister Elizabeth.  (She also happens to have a May birthday and I am always partial to that.)
Sister is basically the principal of the Blessed Edmund Learning Center, where the boys go to school.  I don't know if her title is principal, but I know she does just about every job there is within that school.  On any given day, I have seen sister, weeding the garden, cleaning up, balancing the schools finances, floating from classroom to classroom and (although I haven't actually seen it) keeping my boys company in her office.  Both Patrick and Declan have visited more times than I wish to admit.  I'm sure this is her favorite part of the job. Ha! Just wait until they get Tabitha!
This is just one of the many arrangements that grace the school foyer.

It is amazing to see how much energy she has every single day.  She runs around and chases the children on the playground.  She plays ball and games with them at full speed.  She has a great rapport with all the students and you can tell she really loves what she does.  When I found her this morning and presented her with the FREE PRETZEL, she said, "Thank you very much.  I love pretzels." Then she snuck a bite.  After I took her picture, she said she had to go back to work, but then called down the hall to me as I left, "This pretzel will give me the energy to keep working." Then she laughed a big Sister Elizabeth laugh.
 Katie and I are big fans of her, the school and all its teachers and assistants.  We could not ask for a better place for our boys.  Thanks Sister for all that you do.

-Happy birthday to a fellow teacher Shelly Iapalucci.  I hope you had a good birthday

-Also big congrats to Casey McCluskey, fellow Notre Dame alum (Film, Television and Theater major, just like me, ACE grad, just like me) but unlike me, now
Boonshoft School of Medicine at Wright State University grad.  You totally earn a VIRTUAL FREE PRETZEL for the day.  Sorry I can't give you a real one.

Anyone born tomorrow, May 21st through June 20th, shares the Zodiac sign of Gemini with yours truly.  To all my fellow Gemini's: Happy birthday!

We shall see what tomorrow brings.

Until tomorrow...

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Day 19- Rainy Sunday


May 19th- Day 19- The rain decided to stay all day so we decided to go under the sea.  The Casale family ventured to the Adventure Aquarium for the morning.  Since we like to get to attractions early, we arrived at 10:03, three minutes after it opened and the world was our least for about 30 minutes.

Here is as sampling of some of the things we did, before getting the FREE PRETZEL.

All three kids and Katie decided to really go under the sea!
Declan trying to see what it would be like to be a turtle
Patrick and Tabitha just hitching a ride
Declan trying not to get eaten
After enjoying our time at the Aquarium, it was time to pick up the pretzel and head out on the road.
When I got to the Pretzel Factory, the same two guys from last week were behind the counter and pulling out of the oven, another pretzel pizza!  It was way bigger than the one from last week and they explained to me that when the dough goes through the roller, it will have excess and when they shut the machine down for the day, these guys use the excess to make a really good looking pizza.  I really may need to try and order one someday.

Two days ago, I made a small joke about my mom probably not approving of my brother Mike's photo for Thursday.  I made the joke because it was funny, not because I was picking on my mom.
Anyway, I don't need a FREE PRETZEL or a blog to tell everyone that my mom is awesome, but I decided to do it anyway. The boys and I had to take my brother Mike back to the Trenton airport so he could fly back home to Ohio and I figured I could just drop the pretzel off.  Only problem was...I forgot my mom wouldn't be there.  So I decided to leave it for her

I hope the FREE PRETZEL wasn't lonely.
It was still warm and fresh when I left it and only being there for a few hours shouldn't have spoiled it.  My mom is an amazing mom, mother-in-law and Mom-Mom and it is easy to give her a pretzel for more than a billion reasons.  She did help us out in a pinch last week when Tabitha was sick, so maybe this is a late Thank you. Thanks mom.  I know you will always be there when we need you, or just to be there.  That's what makes you so special.  There are not enough words to say how awesome you are.  I hope you enjoyed the pretzel.

When she got home she would have read a note that said for her to take a picture on dad's phone and send it to me.  Hilariously my dad took a picture of just the pretzel and the sign (not the one above) and sent it to me.  I meant for him to take on of my mom. Here is his handiwork:
Mom with her FREE PRETZEL
Just wanted to share a quick story.  On our way to drop off Uncle Mike, both boys had fallen asleep on the ride up.  Patrick awoke as we were dropping him off and about 20 minutes in to the ride back, he burped.  I looked back at him and saw very sad eyes.  I then witnessed a very slow motion version of him throwing up. Not fun.  The poor guy was helpless and just had to watch as it dribbled down the front of his shirt.  We pulled over to the scenic lookout on 295 and the Delaware River and I stripped him of his clothes.  Luckily we happened to have an extra sweatshirt he could wear.  Poor guy.  He actually threw up again about 5 minutes from home, but I had taken extra precautions with a golf towel of mine.  As Katie says, "We are all washable."  That could not have been more true in this instance. Since he is running around and playing like normal, we believe he was just carsick.  He even told Katie that the car was moving too fast.  Whoops.

Shout outs:
-Phils win with back to back homers in the ninth by Erik Kratz and Freddy Galvis off of Aroldis Chapman!  Wow! Just wow!

-Happy birthday to Maria Gentiletti, fellow Delran High AlumHope it was a good one.

-To Katie's mom for watching the kids last night so we could go out to another fabulous dinner at The Tortilla Press in Collingswood.  How was NCIS?

Until tomorrow...

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Day 18- Another Special Occasion

May 18th Day 18- It will be forever the tradition that this Saturday on the calendar, for as long as I do this, will be Hope's Day.  For the 3rd straight year our whole family took part in the Angelman Syndrome Foundation 5k walk with our friends, Kevin and Kate Grugan and their children Hope and Jack.  All of Hope's friends and Family were there again and it was great to be involved with such an amazing cause.  I had actually not seen Hope in a while, although I knew she has been doing physical therapy. As I walked to greet Kevin, I noticed that he was putting Hope down and she was walking towards him all by herself.  I have to say that I was moved to tears.  It was a great to see this beautiful little girl enjoying the day with her dad at that moment.  I instantly gave the FREE PRETZEL to Hope and Kevin and she immediately started eating it.  Kevin remarked, "She loves pretzels."
She had no plans to share it this year.  
Hope and her daddy!
All I can say is that this was a great morning and a lot of good energy was shared by a lot of people.  We will continue to look forward to this day every year.  Keep up the good work Hope!

It was just a quick 5k around Cooper River
You can't beat the view from the bridge
-Hope you had a great birthday Malcolm McCluskey.  

-Nick and Melissa Lehmann and their sons Jake and Nate for traveling to the walk and hanging with our boys.  Thanks

Until tomorrow...

Day 17- A night out on the town!

May 17th Day 17- The weekend started early today as I picked up the FREE PRETZEL after school.  I headed home for a little time with the kids.  Katie shaved my head, kids were fed, bathed and I was on my way to the PATCO. I was heading down to the ballpark to enjoy the Phils game with some friends.  Although I mentioned in yesterday's post that this was Ed's bachelor party weekend, there were only six of us attending the game.  My brother always likes to take in a game when he is home and instead of constantly talking about it, the FREE PRETZEL recipient, is the one who got it all started.  Adam Brooks decided to take a list of names of people who wanted to go, take the bull by the horns and just get tickets.  We probably would not have gone had he not done this, so I thought it was appropriate that he get today's FREE PRETZEL. 

Adam was very pleased to be part of the blog
The FREE PRETZEL traveled with me on the PATCO and then the Broad Street Line subway, finally arriving at its final destination at Xfinity Live!  As I greeted Adam and told him the good news, he actually said "I wanted to be part of this blog!"  As he took out the FREE PRETZEL, he said "It's still warm and fresh?" Hey what can I say?  I aim to please. Thanks Adam for looking out for the boys and getting us together.  I know Christina (Adam's wife) was jealous, but there are still some days left.  She actually begged Adam to go get her soft pretzels one night when she was pregnant a few years back.  She enlisted me to try and and convince him to do it.  I tried, but he didn't budge.  He needs to learn the art of being nice.  Ha!  Just kidding.  This was a great pretzel recipient moment

We also had a little fun with it:
See Christina, he can share!

We eventually made it into the game and before we watched the Reds tie it up, we took a minute to nab a picture with Harry.
Paying our respects to the Voice of the Phillies
Before the game ended we decided to move to McFadden's before the crowds got there.  We watched the final two innings from the cozy confines.  We enjoyed a few $1 hot dogs and as Papelbon got the last out, we were joined by these guys:

We ended the night back at Xfinity and great fun was had by all.  All thanks to Adam.  Thanks buddy.  I had a great time and I am pretty sure he enjoyed his pretzel. 

-Ed, Joe, Nate and Mike for a great time at the ballpark and surrounding area. 

-to Katie for giving me the night out with the guys

-to my kids for behaving while I was away

Until later today...