Tuesday, May 3, 2016

May 2nd- A little bit of violin please

May 2nd, 2016 Year 5 Day 2

The month of May has started off pretty dreary and it doesn't look like it will be clearing up anytime soon.  Day two was no different and I often wonder, what should I do with the pretzel today?  and then let something spark an idea.  It's a little bit like WWJD, but without all the fanfare.

When I walked into school today I ran into music teacher Jake Weber.  Jake has been teaching in Cherry Hill for 7 years, splitting his time between Johnson and and Thomas Paine.  Jake looked a tad flustered, and I do not mean that in a bad way.  He mumbled that it had not been a good weekend. That was all I needed to hear.  I don't know why.  I didn't really care.  I just was hoping that the gift of a FREE PRETZEL would cheer him up a bit.  Jake does an amazing job running the band and orchestra and even teaching a few classes on Day 1, I'm assuming in both schools.  Jake has also been displaced from his room for the past 3.5 weeks because of PARCC testing.  That alone makes him deserving of a pretzel. 
I think a pretzel bow would work, because Jake is THAT talented
Jake gladly received his pretzel and commented that it made his day.  And that's what it's all about baby!

Today was also just crazy hectic in the Casale Family.  On Mondays, Tabitha has Irish Dance and Katie usually picks up the boys before taking them with her.  They usually do homework while Tibby dances and then they head home for a quick dinner before heading to the boys presentation for Odyssey of the Mind.  I rushed out of my golf match before it ended to make sure I could be there on time.  I am going to spare you the video, that was very interesting to say the least.  Just know that somehow Patrick and Declan scored lead roles as zombies.  
Odyssey of the Mind Crew

The crazy week gets a semi-break tomorrow, with golf practice and only CCD for the boys.  Let's start wishing this rain away.

Until tomorrow...

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