Monday, May 9, 2016

May 8th- Happy Mother's Day

May 8th, 2016 Year 5 Day 8

Mother's Day.  Always fun times in our house.  For the first time in the history of our blog and maybe since the boys were born, we did not go to the Philadelphia zoo on Mother's Day.  Instead we stayed in Jersey, kept it local and had a nice day.  Katie usually wants a nap at some point in the day and a picnic.  She got both, even had a nap on Saturday too!
Breakfast at Sabrina's
We had wanted to go to breakfast here for a while, so sure, why not on Mother's Day? Luckily Daddy called ahead and after we arrived only waited 10-15 minutes.
Not only did it only take 10 minutes, but we got the window seat! Boom!
And we got a window seat!!!! Katie and I enjoyed our breakfast.  The  Not so much.
It was a much better morning today and Katie and the kids took their traditional "on the steps" picture.
Traditional Mother's Day photo on the steps
Then it was off on a hike in Haddonfield

Our little explorers
Fun was had by all seeing all the nature.

Hawk in a tree
We even saw a cool hawk.

Mapping out our route.

Lots of caterpillars, cool birds and squirrels. Declan even had a bug get smushed in his eye. (we got it out)

We headed back for Katie's nap and ended the day with a picnic on our porch.  A pretty good day that Katie said was really nice.  She deserves it.  She is an amazing mom, who keeps our house in tip top shape.  I owe her everything.  Oh and she did eat the FREE PRETZEL later on in the day. 

It was great weather and a pretty perfect family day.  Come to think of it, the kids were extremely well behaved.  I don't even think they fought all day.  WINNING!!!

Until tomorrow...

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