Monday, May 2, 2016

May 1st- The Royal Tenenbaums

May 1st, 2016 Year 5 Day 1

Here we go again.  Year 5.  I've decided that this year will be like a month long Christmas letter. I'll be catching you up with things that have been going on with me and the Casale Family since I last ventured into FREE PRETZEL month.  So be prepared to reminisce, for those that see me often, and to those that don't then you might learn some new things about us. 

There will be many days that you might think I am phoning it in, but it's just because our life continues to get crazier and crazier.  The month of May might be the worst month in the whole calendar to actually do this, but we will do our best. 
Our Royal Tenenbaums Crew

In February, we joined the Salvation Army Kroc Center, and our little minions have been taking swimming lessons every Wednesday.  When March arrived and golf coaching started for me, Katie has been taking the kids.  She established the quickest way to get them out the door was to dress them in similar sweatsuits with their suits underneath.  She immediately labeled them their Royal Tenenbaum outfits.  
Image result for royal tenenbaums kids
The REAL Tenenbaums
See the resemblance?
The Salvation Army Kroc Center in Camden
On this rainy Sunday we decided to go as a family.  The kids all shared the FREE PRETZEL on our trip.  Fun was had by all and the boys discovered the big water slide, which Declan might not have been tall enough, but they let him anyway.  This lead to them going up and down about 50 times each.  Not an exaggeration.

At the end of each night the kids are put to bed by some combination of Katie and me.  If I'm home, I usually put the boys to bed, after bath and a book.  They boys have grown accustomed to reading in their beds with a small bed light.  After about an hour or so, I usually go up and make sure that the lights are out, ever since Patrick burned his eye on the light one night.  Tonight I went up and saw neither of them in the bed.  I immediately went into panic mode for about 2 seconds, only to see this seen in the papasan chair:

They decided to curl up in the papasan chair
And I guess that is what makes it all worth it?  I called Katie up and after looking in their beds, just like I did, she almost cried at the sight.  We gently put them back in bed, in fear of crooked necks.

It ended a pretty good Sunday and first day of May.

We're back everybody!

At this point, Until whenever...?

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