Sunday, May 29, 2016

May 25th Justin (bleeping) Carle

May 25, 2016 Year 5 Day 25-

Today was a day that had been planned for a long time.  Nothing could screw it up.  I found out a few weeks ago that my childhood friend Justin Carle, Jut to most of us, would be driving back to Boston from Florida this week and that he should stop by so I could give him a FREE PRETZEL.  Duh.
It was perfectly planned and I was excited to see him.

Road Pretzel companions
He even brought along a friend for the ride.  His buddy Jill, who works for Ocean Spray in Boston, gladly accepted Jut's invitation to enjoy a road trip from Ft. Lauderdale to Boston.  They made a few stops along their three day journey. In Charleston South Carolina, they took in some minor league baseball and in Baltimore, the sampled some delicious hot dogs before arriving in the hallway of Johnson School for a nice lunch out.  We went to Stella Pizza around the corner from my school and enjoyed some nice South Jersey slices.

Jut has been a loyal follower of the blog and with him being either in Boston or Florida, or wherever, I was not able to get him the FREE PRETZEL until today.  Jut is another one of my friends, that's two in one week, that is up for anything.  He has always been awesome like that.  We played soccer together for 4 years and although we were closest in high school, have known each other since elementary school.  Jut was the student body president our senior year, while I was our senior class president.  Jut even came out to Notre Dame for a weekend.  Man those quarter dogs were good huh? That was a fun weekend and way too much to discuss here.

Jut and I will be linked forever in a pretty funny tidbit.  We are part of the 1996 graduating class of Delran High School.  The year before in the fall of 1994, Delran crowned their first ever Homecoming King.  Before then only queens had been crowned.  Well as amazing luck would have it, the following fall in 1995, Delran crowned Co-Homecoming Kings.  Pretty crazy right?
Pretzel action shot
Justin and Jill made it back to Boston on Wednesday night safe and sound.  It was really great to see him.  He even gave me a few beers that he picked up along his journey.  I was much obliged.

The Casale clan is excited to possibly be seeing Jut at work this summer, when we venture to Boston for a few days and take in a Duck Tour, with Jut as our guide.  I may have to do a special blog for this vacation!

Jut, you are and will forever be the man, mostly just because, but you're a great friend.  Loyalty might be your middle name, so I'm glad you (and Jill) enjoyed your FREE PRETZEL and was happy you could stop by on your way home.

Until tomorrow...

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