Friday, May 13, 2016

May 10th- How many in your group?

May 10th, 2016, Year 5 Day 10

The sun is shining again!  Whenever that happens you know its going to be a half decent day right? Today was one of those days, which started out as a plan for the FREE PRETZEL did not turn out the way I thought, but it;s okay because in the end it worked out great.  I always have a backup plan.

Those of you that know me well, know that I have been coaching the Paul VI golf team for the past ten years, this year being #11.  You might also know that in that time we have used 4 different south jersey golf courses as our home course.  We enjoyed Tavistock in year one, then the now closed Woodbury Country Club in year 3 and 4.  We found a home at Riverwinds for years 5-9 and for the last two years we have been welcomed at Woodcrest Country Club in Cherry Hill.

With any golf season, comes the help of many people to see to it that my players have the time to practice, play on a course and the allow me and my assistant the luxury of a cart so we can supervise the team.  Frank Tinney has the offical title of Director of Outdoor Services.  He is responsible for the driving range, player conduct on the course and the handling of all carts on the golf course.  Frank is awesome.  He works really hard, has been working at Woodcrest since 1999.  He is a PVI grad, the same year as my assistant, Joe Zulli.

I told Frank about the pretzel.  I then told him he earns way more than this every day, but that it was my small token for doing all he can for me and my team.  Frank declined the picture as he was busy washing range balls and continuing his hard work.  he said working about 46 hours straight makes him pretty tired.  Thanks again Frank for all you do.

Until tomorrow...

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