Tuesday, May 17, 2016

May 13th- Who wants to volunteer?

May 13, 2016 Year 5 Day 13
Yes it is Friday the 13th and when I went to the pretzel Factory this morning, I knew exactly who I wanted my recipients to be.  On Thursday the student's from our 5th grade student council had taken over my room during the lunch and recess hour and they were being led by two parent volunteers and two teacher volunteers.  Those teacher volunteers are the subject of today's FREE PRETZEL(s)
Donna and Beth our super volunteers
Donna Friedman and Beth Pease have been colleagues on the 4th grade team for the past 4 years.  Beth has been in the district for 10 years, Donna for 14 and both have been teaching much longer than that.  Both of these awesome ladies have been leading our student council for the pats two years, since I have been at Johnson.  They give their time and effort without anything in return.  They organize fundraisers, hold lunch and recess meetings, and even stay at school until 10 pm organizing rose orders for the entire school.

Donna currently shares a movable wall with my classroom.  We both can hear each other teach all day. I think I am learning a lot about 4th grade this year. Beth is the special education teacher across the hall from Donna and teaches with Susanna Esposito in a co-teaching classroom. The two ladies are two of the hardest working teachers I have ever met.  They are always on the go, moving at high speeds through the hallways and always so purposeful.  It is a pleasure to call them my colleagues and an honor to work with them

I was happy to give them both a FREE PRETZEL today on a day after I saw them working so hard trying to get the students ready for the Art Marketplace at Johnson this coming week. When receiving their pretzel, both were very touched.  Beth even said "These are my cocaine."  I took that as a compliment for the goodness of pretzels.  I would call that more satisfied recipients. Their reactions made me very happy.

Until tomorrow... 

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