Saturday, May 21, 2016

May 19- One for the subsitute

May 19th 2016, Year 5 Day 19

Yesterday I needed a substitute while I was out during my eye exam.  That substitute happened to be Pat Moran, who is an educational assistant in our classroom. Pat is a graduate of Cherry Hill West where he played baseball, went on to Penn State Abington campus and now coaches the JV team at Paul VI and during the day works with us.  Pat was give the daunting task (just kidding) of working with my kiddos all day.  The day was not too bad, given that there was to be an assembly in the afternoon, along with a 30 minute break for chorus as well. 
Action pose
Pat is a trooper.  He is often pulled for many different sub positions, because of unavailable or unfilled substitutes. He is supposed to be working with students in Mrs Miller and Mrs. Potter's 5th grade class, but more recently he is usually on the move.  Pat filled in admirably for many different teachers during the PARCC testing and he is also required to do recess and lunch duty, usually whether his is subbing or not. It's a lot, but he is young and seems to handle almost anything with a very laid back and carefree attitude.  Johnson is lucky to have him.  

Pat was thrilled to get his FREE PRETZEL and was even able to snack on it during recess.  I am sure that the entire Johnson staff would join me in thanking Pat and all his hard work around the school. Thanks Pat. 

Until tomorrow...

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