Saturday, May 21, 2016

May 18- Another amazing volunteer

May 18th, 2016,  Year 5 Day 18

Today was an interesting day on so many levels.  Today I scheduled my first ever eye exam.  Since my recent diabetes diagnoses in the fall, I have had to change a lot of aspects of my life.  I have my very own "days of the week" pill container in which I take a cornucopia of pills and vitamins every morning and evening. Along with the pills, diet changes and exercise, my diabetes has been well under control.  My recent April numbers actually fell below "pre-diabetes" levels and my doctor did not ask to see me back until August.  Good for me I guess.  As for the eye exam, not only is it something that everyone should do if they suspect their vision may be getting worse, but it is a prerequisite for anyone diagnosed with diabetes to make sure that everything is working correctly in the eye department.

It was very weird having my eyes be numb and then having them dilated to take the exam.  The sensitivity to light did not help during the sunny afternoon, which is why the FREE PRETZEL is appearing with my shades. I was slightly lucky as the sun dipped behind the clouds in the evening.  Just in time for the boys second travel soccer try-out.  It seems very young for them to be trying out for travel soccer, but the hard working folks of the Collingswood travel soccer committee or board or group, finally said enough is enough and is getting things ready for BOYS travel soccer in the fall. So my boys will not be left out if there is a team that they can play on...maybe.
High above the fields view from atop the Collingswood High bleachers. 
So we ventured to the second of our travel soccer tryout days for the boys.  Getting this off the ground has not been easy and the club has enlisted the help of the girls coaches to do the evaluations.  One of those wonderful volunteers is Tom Cislo.  For those of  you loyal blog readers out there, you may remember him from last years May 17th- the pretzel gets religious entry.  He was the boys mini-soccer coach when they were 5.  He played against me in high school, for Riverside High and he and his family have become fast friends with our clan, despite the fact that the boys are at Zane North now.  It has been awesome having town friends and the Cislos are always up for a party.

Coach Tom with  sweaty Declan
Tom was out there both nights, working with the boys and overseeing all aspects of the try-outs.  He actually did not directly oversee our boys at all, but did claim to sneak a peak every once and a while. Tom is a loyal blog reader and I was happy to provide him with his FREE PRETZEL snack during a break in the action, before he had to evaluate the second group.  Since he coaches his daughters team and since I am debating whether or not to help out with the boys, I am sure we will be working close in some capacity with this club in the future.  Despite some of his complaining, Tom loves being involved with soccer and with FOUR kids, he will probably be involved for a long time.  Thanks Tom for all you do!

Until tomorrow...

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