Sunday, May 8, 2016

May 6th- Enough already with the rain!

May 6th 2016, Year 5 Day 6

Friday, like the other 5 days before it, started with rain and continued the blah, blah trend throughout the day.  The night before I had been up, doing chores and other such things and with the new Captain America movie coming out, thought it would be a good idea to finally watch Ant Man.  So I perused the On Demand feature on my tv and as luck would have it, it was starting right when I was searching on Starz.  I immediately set my DVR to tape it, watched a bit and then promptly fell asleep.  The movie was good, but it was also 1:30 in the morning.

I decided that I thought the movie would be okay to show the kids, so on the way home, I picked up some pretzel Rivets, the FREE PRETZEL and we settled in for the end of the movie.  I decided to not rewind all the way back to the beginning, and just fill them in.  It worked.
Pretzels and a movie, what could be better?
 When I told the kids what we would be doing, Declan told Katie, "Mommy, we can't watch that movie because it has cursive words in it!"  Yep buddy, it does.  A few "hells" one "bitch" and two "Sh@%s"

We looked passed it and pressed on.  I will not in any way give away anything, but I will tell you that Patrick is invested.  He gets very involved in characters and displays his emotions for them at all times, good and bad.  It's very cute to see.

It was nice to enjoy this with them, knowing that as long as I preview them first that they should be able to handle it pretty well.

To whom it may concern: Please make this rain stop soon.

Until tomorrow...

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