Monday, May 23, 2016

May 21- Hope never ends

May 21st, 2016 Year 5 Day 21

One Saturday in May each year is reserved for the Philadelphia Angelman Syndrome Walk.  This was the third year in which the walk was held at Cumru Elementary School in Reading, PA.  The entire family ventured in the car to join the Grugans, Davies and their friends and family to support a good cause.  This year the rain would not damper our spirits.  The set up was mostly inside this year, but when we did finally begin the walk, the rain actually seemed to let up and I was able to take our umbrella down.  It was another great day had by all and even though we did not stay that long,  I am sure that they raised a wonderful amount of money for a great cause.
Large crowd despite the rain
The crowd was large, but still able to fit in a tiny cafeteria.
Hope with a special treat
Hope was radiant as ever and seemed to enjoy her pretzel and the motto this year could not be more perfect for our group.

This is always a special day for our family and I am sure for our many friends.  Only extreme sickness has ever kept us away.  The foundation continues to report that strides are being made in search of a cure and any little bit helps.  If you would like to know more about the foundation or even donate, please visit,

If you wish to donate to our team, it is Team Hope led by Kate Grugan.

Until tomorrow...

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