Monday, May 30, 2016

May 27- A little kindergarten time

May 27, 2016 Year 5 Day 27-
Friday Day 27 started off very similar to yesterday, hot and sunny.  Since I had forgotten to bring a treat in for my birthday on Tuesday, I decided to bring in a snack for my students today, complete with spicy mustard. 
Early morning meeting treat, although it would find a home somewhere else. 

Gina Klinshaw is a Kindergarten teacher at Johnson School, who has been there for 18 years, all in Kindergarten and all in the same room!  Almost unheard of in today's teaching profession, but pretty cool. Gina and I tend to arrive at school around the same time.  She coming from Marlton, while I'm coming from Collingswood, so it looks like she is getting an earlier start.  She has a freshman son at Cherokee this year, another in middle school and her youngest in kindergarten so you know her life is busy.  We often chat about how much time we don't have and I feel like I know all about her kids, even though I have only met them once. 

She has a large group of little ones in her class this year, at least it seems large.  Whenever I walk into the GIANT kindergarten rooms it always seems like there are so many of them.  I do not know how she does it. Recently Gina has been having a 5th grade visitor to her class for the purposes of helping out and being a mentor to some of her cherubs.  We shared some stories and given all that she has going on, I thought it would be appropriate to share a snack with her this morning.  She admitted that she saw my posts on Facebook, but that she really did not have time to look at anything.  She's running kids everywhere from sun up til sun down.  I didn't care.  I was glad she was pleased to get the treat.  She is just a classically genuine person, who comes to work, does her job well and then goes home to be with her family. Her second job.  

After the meeting I noticed she had not eaten the FREE PRETZEL and she said that she was headed back to her room to but it in a baggy for her middle child to eat later that day as she transported him from one sport to another.  A pay it forward, from the pay it forward!  I love it.  That's just the type of motherly love that I would expect from Gina too.  Thanks for all the early morning chats.  It's always nice to know I am not the only one with a crazy, busy life.

Until tomorrow...

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