Thursday, May 19, 2016

May 17th- Two lovely ladies

May 17th, 2016, Year 5 Day 17

Today was a day for my grade level partners.  I have been at Johnson the past two years and Karen Potter and Debbie Miller have been co-teaching one of the 5th grade classes for those two years. These two ladies are two of the hardest working teachers I have met in this district.  I know I seem to say that a lot, but seriously these two deserve a FREE PRETZEL every day.

Debbie and Karen have welcomed me to Johnson with open arms and continue to guide me in the ways of Johnson.  Debbie has been at Johnson for the past 10 years.  Karen, the special ed teacher of the co-teaching class, has been in the district for even more.  These two professionals love teaching children and have made it their life's work.  We have quickly become friends because we all share a great sense of humor, both crass and vulgar at times, but all in good fun.  I am happy to call them friends and glad to learn from them on my new journey at Johnson.  Both ladies were happy with their morning treat.  It's always nice to see smiles

The other fun part of the day was that the Pretzel Factory was running their 6 for $2 special.  So I was able to get double the pretzels.  After our PLC in the morning, I walked through the halls and just handed the extra out to whoever wanted them.  It wasn't hard to give them away and it was great to see the extra smiles on the recipient faces.

Today was also our annual 5th grade field trip to the Barclay Farmstead in Cherry Hill.
The Barclay Farmstead remastered
The Forge barn (blacksmiths tools)

Here the students learn what life was like in the 1800s.  They get to learn all about the time before technology and when dinosaurs roamed the Earth!!!  Just kidding, but they did churn butter, learn about bathroom practices in the 1800s, how to make their own clothes and all of the wonderful chores they would have had to do if they lived back then.  It was another successful trip and my class was extremely well behaved.  Happy students make a happy teacher.

Until tomorrow...

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