Thursday, May 26, 2016

May 24- Birthday Twin!!!

May 24, 2016 Year 5 Day 24 

My birthday is the best day of the year.  It's the one day that each of us have to ourselves. I am always reminded of a quote that I used in year 1, from a book that we once taught in 5th grade a few years back.  The book is called Masterpiece and the quote is:

"A person's birthday should be a special day, a wonderful day, a day of pure celebration for the luck of being born!"

I just love this quote. I love birthdays and I am even happier when I find out people either have their birthday in May, happen to be a Gemini like me, or even better share the same birthday as me.  As luck would have it I have a birthday twin at Johnson!  Susanna Esposito has been teaching in Cherry Hill for 17 years, most of them at Johnson and in 4th grade.  She currently team teachers with Beth Pease, one of the the recipients from two weeks ago.  I thought I had remembered Susanna telling me that we had the same birthday last year and I was glad I heard it again so that she could get the FREE PRETZEL today.  
Birthday Twin!
Susanna had been sick over the weekend and was absent on Monday so I was nervous that she might be absent for her birthday.  Luckily she was not absent, was feeling better and seemed pleased to receive an early morning treat. It was nice to bring a smile to her face on her birthday and I hope she enjoyed her day.  

As for me and my day.  Here is my birthday in pictures for me:

My birthday presents
I was awoken with a big hug and card from Declan.  Then the greatest gift giver ever, Katie, provided me with the above goodies.  Yes those are Batman swim trunks.  After school we managed to survive an evening at Outback steakhouse and we were supposed to head miniature golfing, but we cam home instead, played for a bit and then had some ice cream cake that Katie made herself.
Chocolate Peanut butter, oreo cookies and cream cake with cool whip. 
We ate it on the porch as the sun set. 

It was another very nice birthday.  Thank you goes to Katie and the kids for always making me feel special on my birthday.  

Until tomorrow... 

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