Monday, May 16, 2016

May 12th- A pretzel for an angel

May 12, 2016 Year 5 Day 12

This morning I had the pleasure of dropping off my daughter, Tabitha, at the Blessed Edmund Learning Center.  Katie was attending the boys class trip to Storybook Land so I had the duty of getting Tibby to school.  This was perfect because it gave me the opportunity to present a FREE PRETZEL to Sr. Teresa, who helps out in Tibby's class.

Tabitha and Sister Teresa
We arrived at school and as luck would have it, Sr. Teresa and Sr. Elizabeth were both overseeing the the students this morning.  Sister Elizabeth already received a FREE PRETZEL a few years back and she knew exactly what I was doing when I was giving it to Sister Teresa.  Sister Teresa took the FREE PRETZEL with a giant smile on her face and then started calling the 7 or so children that were there, over to her.  She then started asking them if they wanted some pretzel and she was having a great time, laughing and passing out pieces of the pretzel to the kids.  It was really cool scene. She was so happy.  She even had a few bites.

This school has been amazing for our boys and Tabitha.  They are everything you would ever want for your children before they go to Kindergarten and Katie and could not be happier with how things turned out.  We will miss Blessed Edmund and all of the women that cared for our children.  Thank you so much for all that you do and will continue to do for "the little ones" that come to you each and every day.

Until tomorrow...

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