Thursday, May 19, 2016

May 15th- Sunday Funday

May 15, 2016 Year 5 Day 15

Sunday tends to be a fun day in our house as most weekend days are.  This Sunday, we attended church in the AM and then Katie and I split up with the kids and ran errands.  The boys and I went Produce Junction, Del Buono, and Wegmans, while Katie and Tabitha when to return clothes at Hanna Anderson.  We all reconvened around lunch time and then ventured back to the Kroc Center for our Sunday Family swim.

On the way to the Kroc Center we again stopped in for the FREE PRETZEL and it was shared between all of us in the car.  I cannot describe to you how perfect this pretzel was.  Hot out of the oven and then I put a little bit of spicy mustard on it.  The five of us each had a bite or two.  It was delicious.

Until tomorrow...

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