Monday, May 9, 2016

May 9th- Today daddy says "Yes!"

May 9th, 2016, Year 5 Day 9

Today the sun was shining and a different feeling came over me as I headed into work.  Happy.  Not gloom and doom as the weather had let me be last week.  It was nice to be blinded by the sun and head into school knowing that my little kiddos headed to library first thing.

Maybe it  was the presence of the sun, but I actually forgot about the FREE PRETZEL until I arrived at school.  Whoops.  So I decided I would get it on the way home and let fate decide what its fate would be.

After school, I ran quick Wegman's errand and then picked up the boys at Just Kids after school program.  When I got there the boys were busy playing soccer and had no desire to leave.  They even told me "No.  We want to stay!" I told them they needed to go because I had to mow the law and do a few things before Mommy got home.

Patrick then looked at me and pleaded, "Can we go to Target and get Tsum Tsum's?"  For those that do not know, these are Tsum Tsum's:
Tsum Tsum's
They are miniature versions of the Disney Characters, shaped like hamsters.  The come in packs that are sealed and you don't know what is in them, so it's a mystery.  They are relatively cheap, but it's our family's new "fun thing"

I told him no way and that we did not have money for that.  For which he replied, "You always say No!  You never let us do anything or get us anything!" Meanwhile in my head I know there is a basement and a bedroom full of a lot of anything.  Anyway, we walked to the car, where the FREE PRETZEL was laying in the front seat.

When Patrick asked if he could have the FREE PRETZEL, I said YES!!!  Alleluia! Alleluia!!!
He and Declan seemed pretty pleased and seemed to forget about Tsum Tsum's.

He said Yes!!!!!

Until tomorrow...

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