Tuesday, May 31, 2016

May 28- Early Morning Helper

May 28, 2016, Year 5 Day 28 
The Saturday of Memorial Day weekend is traditionally the MayFair in Collingswood.  It is a ridiculously long street fair spanning Haddon Ave from Penn Ave all the way through the main area of Haddon Ave to the new Lumberyard Condos. It is a crazy day for bounce houses, carnival type rides, hundreds of vendors, singers and plenty of food to feed small armies.  It takes place from 10-5 and can be a lot of fun...if it's not too hot.  Today was very hot, creeping close to the 90s.  Too hot for me.

My brother Anthony and his family were in town from Florida because his oldest daughter Anna was playing in a soccer tournament at Rutgers in New Brunswick.  She had games on Saturday, Sunday and Monday with the first two days being 1 pm games, in the middle of the heat.  I decided to venture to these games instead of braving the Mayfair.  It may have been 2 hours up and back, but in my opinion it was an easier day than dealing with the heat and crowd of the town wide block party.
Molly had a holiday themed outfit for the Mayfair
Today's FREE PRETZEL recipient had to wait the whole day to receive her treat, but I was told it was worth the wait, after putting in the microwave for about 30 seconds. Molly Horn is a pre-med student at Rowan University and the daughter of Megan Irwin, who is part of our Tatem crew of friends.  She has been giving us her time just about every morning from 7:45-8:15 to stay with the boys and walk them to school. Rain, snow, heat, she is there ready for the day.  Molly has been amazing with our boys.  She gives us reports, good or bad, and has told us about some pretty colorful conversations.  She does not take any crap from them and it is exactly what we want in a babysitter.

Katie and I cannot thank her enough for helping us out.  Let's just hope she is still okay with this when Tibby joins the crew.  She has signed on for next year, so I guess she is okay with them, even though it will only be 3 days a week.  If anyone out there knows someone who might be able to fill in the other days let us know? Please!

Molly was excited to get her pretzel telling me a story recently about how she had to pick up a box of them for the dance studio she works for and the smell in her car lingered for a few days and made her hungry.  You were more than welcome to get just the ONE today.

I was able to deliver the pretzel in the evening while hanging out with some of our Tatem friends at the Cislo home.  Tom was the recipient on Day 18.  The day was winding down and the kids had been playing all day while the adults had been enjoying themselves.  I would not say that things got out of hand, but...you be the judge.

No one pulled a Jason Pierre-Paul and fun was had by all.

Until tomorrow...

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