Thursday, May 5, 2016

May 5th- Cinco de Mayo

May 5th, 2016 Year 5 Day5


It is still dark and gloomy out and we still have not seen the sun since Monday.  It has been a tough run for the month of May so far and I was happy to bring smiles with a pretzel. Rebecca Egbert is a 1st grade teacher at Johnson who has been in the district 18 years.  She has been at Johnson for all of them teaching either Kindergarten or 1st grade. Rebecca teaches 1st grade this year and unfortunately shares a retractable wall with our school's computer lab.  For the past 5 weeks the computer lab has been home to the PARCC testing which meant that Rebecca had to take her group of twenty-something first graders to a classroom on the other side of the building each and every morning.  

Her smile couldn't have fit through the doorway

So I decided this morning would be a good idea to celebrate her last day having to do that since today was the last full day of PARCC testing and her class would not have to make the trek down the hall anymore.  Rebecca was very excited to get the FREE PRETZEL even commenting "You just made my day."

That is the reaction I love.  

I hope everyone enjoyed their Cinco de Mayo.

Let's hope Friday is the last day of gloomy weather and that this weekend brings some sunshine.

Until tomorrow...

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