Monday, May 30, 2016

May 26- Second grade timeout

May 26th 2016 Year 5 Day 26

Thursday our heat and nice weather continued.  Day 26 was a perfect day to present a FREE PRETZEL to second grade teacher Christina Hughes.  Mrs. Hughes has been at Johnson for her entire career, since 1998.  She is a pretty big Flyers fan and like many of the FREE PRETZEL recipients before her, could get a pretzel just for being a Flyers fan.  Sorry, had to be said.   Mrs. Hughes has become a friend at Johnson and someone who is easy to joke with and easy to talk to about anything. Whether it is discussing Notre Dame football, (she has family that are big fans), her husbands obsession with the tv show Making a Murderer or me helping her scale down a wall to escape an extended stay at Kaminski's Christina has become a fast friend.

Mrs. Hughes grabbed a bite before her kids got to class
I often pop into classrooms when I am walking around the building just to check out what other teachers and grade levels will be working on and I have happened into her room a few times this year. On one memorable pop-in, her students were making kites with different colors on their sails.  She was doing a great lesson about fractions.  I asked them many questions, that might be asked of students even much older than her second graders and she continued to say "We just started this today!" But she was selling her kids a bit short, because they nailed every question I threw at them, even when I tried to trick of confuse them.  I was very impressed and I said I should be doing this lesson with my kids!  I loved it.

Christina said she loved getting the pretzel and that it made her day.  I know that its sounds like a stock answer that every person gives, but she really did say it and people just really love soft pretzels, especially when the are FREE!!!  Maybe we will have some more Kaminski's adventures soon?  And maybe we can start collaborating on some lessons, since clearly you have all ages in mind as your do a great job challenging your crew already.  Glad you enjoyed your treat.

Until tomorrow...

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