Friday, May 13, 2016

May 11th- Can I take your order?

May 11th, 2016, Year 5 Day 11
Today was another day that did not go exactly as planned.  I came in to school today hoping to present the FREE PRETZEL(s) to two ladies that have been very nice to me.  The lunch ladies that work for Aramark and have been a Johnson for a few years, have put up with a lot from me.  Laurie and Lisa, see me in the morning and mostly at lunch time, looking for condiments.  I have been bringing carrots to school and constantly forget ranch dressing to dip them in.  Shame on me, right?  Anyway, I am usually weaseling my way down and snagging some ranch dressing.  This also happens in the morning when I am looking for cream cheese for my bagel.  Man they are nice.

I walked down with the FREE PRETZEL(s) and immediately noticed that one of the women in front of me was not Laurie.  Unfortunately Laurie was absent, having a medical issue (not life threatening). I was able to present Lisa with her FREE PRETZEL and she thanked me.  We hope Laurie is back soon.

***Edit*** Laurie was back to school on Friday and is doing better.  I was able to get her a FREE PRETZEL on Friday that she could enjoy.  She was very thankful because she had not been able to eat all that much for the past couple of days.  I guess it pays for me to be persistent.

Until tomorrow...

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