Sunday, May 11, 2014

May 10th- "I'm a hockey player, but I'm playing golf today"- Happy Gilmore

May 10th, 2014 Year 3, Day 10


Saturdays do not get much better than today.  My dad and I were scheduled to play in a better-ball of partners member-member at the Moorestown Field Club, where we have been members for over 20 years.  My dad and I have played in many tournaments together, even one earlier this year, that we wont mention. (we stunk)  Anyway, with the impending storm a strong possibility, I woke up to see clouds, but no rain, and hopeful that we would get to play.  We play we did.  Sparing you the great details, I shot a 2 over par 74, my dad shot a very good 88, with a 42 on the front nine including a huge par 3 on the 8th hole and together we shot 73 as our actually better ball score and won the Net part of the tournament with a 61.  Most of you might not understand what I wrote, but take my word for it that it was a great day spent with my dad on the links.  Much better than the beginning of April tourney. 

After golf, I ventured to the Pretzel Factory in Moorestown and then on to G Wall's house. 
G Wall is Garry Wall.  I have known Garry since elementary school.We played Delran AA basketball together with his dad as our coach.  Then he moved on to hockey and I stuck with basketball. I kind of introduced him to golf and even witnessed him making an eagle (a 3 on a par 5) at the Moorestown Field Club.  I was also excited to hear that he might be picking golf back up again, after a long absence.

I definitely credit him for introducing me to hockey, well at least the idea of being a fan of the NHL.  He is my go to guru for all things hockey and when I started following hockey around 1993, I would say he had a hand in at least getting me interested.  Unfortunately I decided to root for the Devils and he continues to be a fervent Flyers fan.  I have always said, many times in this blog, that when the Flyers lose in the playoffs, I feel bad for two people, my Aunt Liz (2014 Day 3 recipient) and Garry, because they care so much and have been fans for so long.

Garry and his daughter Rebecca about to enjoy the pretzel goodness
Even though many of you will point to Garry's plea on Facebook for a FREE PRETZEL as me giving them to anyone that asks, this day was in the works way before that.  Along with being a fan Garry also still plays hockey.  He apparently still has what it takes and this past week his team was in their 3 game series Final.  On Wednesday night he texted me to let me know that they tied the series 1-1 and that they would play on Friday night.  I briefly thought about bringing the pretzel as a source of power for the game, but then thought win or lose, Garry deserves this FREE PRETZEL.  He deserves for not only being a Flyers fan who has to wait til next year again, but that he would either celebrate with the pretzel or use it as consolation.  Unfortunately Garry's team lost, even though he scored and he too will have to wait til next year, or whenever his new season starts. Keep the faith!

When I got to Garry;s house, he said "Is that what I think it is?" pointing to be bag of Pretzels.  His wife Holly (and high school sweetheart) and their daughter Rebecca were outside as well, enjoying the gorgeous day.  While his hockey pads and equipment were being fan dried in the garage, Holly pointed out a robin's nest in a front yard bush with 4 tiny blue robin eggs inside and on another tree cocoons filled with crawling caterpillars.  They definitely have the wonder of nature surrounding their home.  It was really cool to see.  It was my pleasure to share the FREE PRETZEL(s) with the Wall family and hope they enjoyed the rest of their day. 

First mow of the season.  I took a picture because this newly sodded lawn may never look this good again.
I took a picture of my first lawn mowing job of the season.  I just hope it continues to look just like this all year. 

-To all nurses, who will be appreciated this upcoming week, including Dana Lyall, Holly Wall, Jen Weber (even though she has a new job) Eileen Reilly and Marci Shaprio-Goldman and anyone else that I am forgetting.

-To My dad for a great round of golf today and even better company as always.

-To the Phils for winning two in a row

-To Jackie Mulligan (Happy birthday) and to all the May birthday's that I failed to mention so far.  

Until tomorrow...

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