Wednesday, May 14, 2014

May 13th- Free Golf anyone?

May 13th 2014, Year 3 Day 13
As volunteers go, this guy just might be the best.  Of course when someone dangles free golf in front of your face, especially in front of Josh, it's not easy to pass up.  Josh Simonetti was my assistant golf coach two years ago.  He was thrust into that role at the last minute, helping me out for the season.  Josh was hoping to do some other things and decided not to return after his only year with the PVI golf team.  There were absolutely no hard feelings and I totally understood. 

Josh was doing double duty back then, working as my assistant and then also as a dealer at the SugarHouse Casino.  He still works at SugarHouse, but come May 28th, he will no longer. Josh will be taking a new position on a cruise ship as a casino dealer, floating in water for 6-8 months, somewhere in Iceland, or Sweden or Norway.  Enjoying his bachelorhood like any single twenty-something should.  Amazing right?  I would say the amazing part is volunteering to help me out the past two weeks, while my current assistant was called away for his real job.  I quickly texted Josh and he obliged, helping me get matches and practice started these past two weeks.  I cannot thank him enough, but hoped that this simple FREE PRETZEL and 4 rounds of FREE GOLF, would do for now.  Oh and we won our match too.  Maybe he is good luck.
Josh enjoying his late afternoon snack on #14 tee

Josh enjoyed his FREE PRETZEL during our quick nine holes and even obliged me this picture.  He has has time on his side and has actually been awesome about helping me out in a pinch.  I asked him to take me with him on his cruise, but said he couldn't.  I didn't understand why?  Really? 
I hope he has a great time and I expect some post cards.  Do people still do that?  Ok just text me some pictures and Twitter updates.  Ha!

Observations on the day:

Phillies, really?  Cmon!  This is getting frustrating.

Rangers beat the Penguins?  Wow.

It's way too late for me to be doing this.

Until tomorrow...

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