Friday, May 16, 2014

May 15th- What a week she is having!

May 15, 2014 Year 3 Day 15

Caitlyn McHugh is having a good week.  On Sunday, she graduated from the second best University in the world, University of North Carolina. Go Heels!  Today was her birthday and she was kind enough to watch our children while Katie and I took a step further in our parenting and attended Kindergarten orientation for the town of Collingswood.  Isn't she amazing!

Caitlyn with Tibby and her surprise treat.
So not only do I get to present her with a FREE PRETZEL on her birthday, but the reasons for giving her an amazing Pretzel Factory creation are numerous!  I think Caitlyn thought she might not get a FREE PRETZEL because I have already given her one.  Well that idea has gone out the window and it seems like we tend to rely on a lot of the same people for help in our lives.  It also does not hurt that it was her birthday, because as you know I am extremely partial to those.

Caitlyn will be around this summer, more times to help us again, but come August she will be headed back down To Chapel Hill working for UNC in their intramurals program.  I guess there is something in the water down there that keeps them coming back.  Pretty cool.  She is always so happy and loves life.  Katie and I cannot be more appreciative of how often she is able to help out with our family and our kids love her.  She even said we could have just paid her with the FREE PRETZEL.  Awesome. (we still did pay her)

Congrats on the graduation!  Hope you had a happy birthday! And thank you so much for helping us out tonight.

Shout outs:

-All the Sharp students and teachers for completing the NJASK.  Rough two weeks for everyone and it is over after tomorrow!

-The nuns and teachers at Blessed Edmund for helping out Declan after her threw up in school yesterday

- To Katie, GET WELL SOON. I hope you start feeling a lot better. Being sick sucks!

Until tomorrow...

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