Monday, May 5, 2014

May 4th- Canyon Capacity Washing Machine

May the 4th "be with you," 2014 Year 3, Day 4

I relinquished the blog power to Katie for Sunday.  Sometimes golf takes precedence.  Here we go...

Today Tim gave me the pretzel card and I was officially deputized to pick someone to receive a little "figure-eight shaped" happiness. 
Tim left for golf and I packed up the crew to run errands and deliver the pretzel.  Here is my official proof complete with check mark by the sleepy teenager behind the counter. 

The kids and I went to COSTCO which is a bit like going shopping with a chain saw, a bumble bee, and an open container of bubbles all at the same time.  Loud, distracted, and happy…
We survived, managed to get almost everything on the list, and made it out of there in under 1/2 hour on a Sunday morning.  I consider that a major parenting win! 
Then it was on to my recipients house to deliver the pretzel. 
Turns out she was not home so we had to do our first "pretzel bomb".  I delivered the pretzel (it is inside the pink bag) and we headed home.

Pretzel BOMB!
So, who is this person and what does it have to do with a washing machine?
(Just an FYI--I can fit 40 towels in one load along with a stuffed animal and six pairs of socks.  Canyon Capacity is the only way to go for a family of 5.)
The pretzel (and the pink bag) went to my friend Allison.  She also does  a lot of laundry and when I was looking for a washing machine for the new house I went with the same one she has and just ordered it without hesitation.   That is true trust and friendship--if you can trust their taste in washing machines it must mean you are friends for life!
That is what she is--my friend.  She is also a mother, teacher, guidance counselor, baker, beach bum, and wonderful person. 

  • let me share her daughter's early days sitting on the couch drinking ice coffee
  • took me to register for baby stuff when we were both enormous and pregnant (me with the boys and her with her 2nd)  all I remember is laughing as we tried to pull down car seats.
  • had her baby boy 4 days after the boys and got a room down the hall from me.  The pictures from that day are priceless.
  • came over and picked me up for an afternoon out with P & D when I could still not drive after they were born
  • lets me shut the door of her office and vent/complain/laugh whatever
  • held on to our pictures and my violin during the move
  • writes thank you notes, makes homemade valentines with her daughter, has a super comfy house, loves my kids too, is the friend who can come over when your house is messy, and holds your hand if you need it.

I am extremely lucky to be her friend. 
My plan is to be a crazy old bat Teacher/Librarian sooner rather than later and I know she will be sitting next to me at the faculty meetings keeping me in check until retirement.  That is true friendship!
Here are some smiley faces just for you Allison because you love them. :) :) :)

Until tomorrow...

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