Sunday, May 11, 2014

May 11th- Mother's Day Adventures

May 11th 2014, Year 3 Day 11
Today was a day to celebrate Mother's.  I saw my mom on Saturday as me and the kids headed over with cards and a hanging plant.  We hung out for a bit.  Made a mess in the basement that a month ago I called home.  Cleaned it up. Then we were back on our merry way.

On Sunday our family celebrated Katie, or "Mommy" (sounds better when yelled) as the kids call her.
We hung out at home for a bit before heading to the Philadelphia Zoo, like we've done for the past three years. I took a look back at the pictures from the last few years on the blog during Mother's day and you will see some similarities, but today will rely heavily on the pictures to tell the story of the day.

We started our day with the otters as we entered through the Frog Lot:
Declan the otter whisperer
Then we moved on to Katie's favorite the giraffe's.
Mommy and little girl, mommy giraffe and little girl giraffe
Then we stopped to take a picture with proud mommy and the kids.

Happy this moment in time
We couldn't let this guy hide all day.
Orangutan seeking shelter from the sun
And we closed out our day with a little hike:
Be careful!

We made it back home for rest time and then it was back out to the park and to Wegman's to get food for our backyard picnic.

Tibby liked spinning

Patrick liked running

And I never could find Declan the whole time.

We ended our day with a picnic in the backyard and we taught the kids how to eat the ice cream cake right out of the box.

It was a pretty nice day.  Katie is a fabulous mom with "amazing smell" as one of her superpowers as well as "birthing twins," but she is the glue that holds our family together.  
I really have no idea what I would do without her and I love her very much. 

Believe it or not, I tried to go to the Pretzel Factory in Collingswood, but they were closed when I got there at 2:30.  They usually close at 3.  There was a sign on the door about enjoying your mother's day, but I do not know if they were closed all day.  I went to the store in Erlton on Route 70 instead.  This was the 4th different store that has provided me with a FREE PRETZEL this year.

Katie actually never did eat her pretzel either.  It is being kept semi-fresh in a ziploc bag. 
Here is what it looked like just before that.

Maybe she will have some tomorrow.

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there, especially mine.  I hope you all had a great day.

Until tomorrow...

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