Thursday, May 8, 2014

May 8th- Tibby needs a hug

May 8th 2014- Year 3 Day 8

FREE PRETZEL #8 with a $1frozen raspberry lemonade
 On the 8th day it was time for Tibby to get her FREE PRETZEL.  This is not much of a surprise for her because when you are from this family you usually get a pretzel almost every other day.
I am a little too tired to type too much tonight, so Tibby's day will be described in pictures.

Tibby has been dealing with some nasty allergies, or a nasty cold.  Either way as I picked her up this afternoon, she was so excited to see me, she raced down the stairs and the babysitters house and fell on the last step.  It was not her day. 
She perked up when she got her FREE PRETZEL
Then it was off to the podiatrist to watch daddy get shots in his feet.  She was in control of my phone for the 30 minutes that we were waiting for the doctor.  This was just one of 13 that she took.  Six of those were of her fingers.

Luckily the doc said no shots. Yay!
Then we headed on two other errands before heading home for dinner. The boys surprised her with a brand new "Frozen" book that they got for her at Barnes and Noble.

"It's my favorite"
Then she couldn't believe it was time for a bath

"It's bath time already?"
Finally she ended up waking up around 10 pm and coming down to watch the draft with daddy.
I couldn't resist that face.

"Daddy, can I lay with you?"
She was a deserving recipient, as I would not want to deal with the allergies/cold that she has.

Tibby and daddy days are always fun.  This was no exception.  She is the light in my day. 
Thanks Tibby. I'm glad you liked your pretzel and your slushee. Love, Daddy

Until tomorrow...

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