Tuesday, May 27, 2014

May 25th- A brother and a friend

May 25, 2014, Year 3 Day 25
Today was a gorgeous day to relax, mow the lawn and have fun at Caitlyn's graduation party.  Knowing I was going to this party allowed me to determine the recipients of the FREE PRETZELS today.  They just also happen to be there as well.

It almost didn't happen though.  As I pulled up to the Pretzel factory at 3:02, the doors were locked and CLOSED was the sign that appeared in the door.  Luckily I spotted Dillon and he opened up for me to grab the FREE PRETZELS.  He added two extra.

I made my way to the party and when there I presented the first one to my brother Bill.  Why?  Well because he asked nicely.  He's my brother.  He never got an official one.  And why not?  He deserves one just like anyone else. Bill has been supportive of the blog, commented and praised me for my efforts.  He works hard every day commuting from Delran to Elizabeth High School and on the weekend he should get a FREE PRETZEL.  So on this Memorial Day weekend he enjoyed his twisted treat.
The perfect compliment to any meal
Today was also the perfect opportunity to present a FREE PRETZEL to Ani McHugh.  Being a cousin-in-law to Caitlyn, I knew she would be at the party today and I wanted to take the opportunity to present her with a FREE PRETZEL as well.  Ani and I were students at Delran high, she a year behind me, but grew up right around the corner from where I lived.  She actually still lives right around the corner from my parents, now in a different house, and teaches English at Delran High School.  Not only does she work her rear end off as a teacher, but is fighting the good fight for all teachers against those that mean harm to teachers and public education in general.  She serves in a political capacity or sorts with her very own blog,

A twisted snack
She does her best to show what our pathetic governor and others in Newark, Trenton and other parts of the state are doing to ruin public education and to a certain extent, teachers lives.  She also highlights the great things that teachers and public servants are doing in our state and it was great to talk to her for even a few minutes to catch up and also share rants.  She was more than excited to receive the FREE PRETZEL as she let out a tiny scream and then said, "You have something for me?  I get a pretzel?"  It was pretty cool.  I look forward to reading her blog in the future and staying informed.  Thanks for all you do.

All in all it was a great Sunday and even better since Monday was off.

Until tomorrow...

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