Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May 27th- Groove is in the ART. It's a pun, people!

May 27, 2014 Year 3 Day 27

The day after Memorial Day brought off and on sunshine and many different colors in the sky on a humid morning.  Perfect for an artist. Kerry Morlino has been the art teacher at Sharp school for the past two years.  She comes our way via Britain and is an amazing breath of fresh air for our school, our kids and just about anyone she meets.  She has a wonderful British vocabulary and to me, is extremely pleasant to listen to.  I just hope she knows I am in now way ever making fun of her.  I wish I had her accent.
Food art for an artist
Kerry splits time with another building, but when she is at our building she is usually one of the first to arrive and it is rare to not see her with a smile on her face, followed by a friendly greeting.  The artwork that she produces herself is awesome.  On several occasions I have watched her as she effortlessly completes a water color poster or an amazing pencil drawing of another colleague in the room.  And the artwork that the kids turn out is unmatched.  She is truly one of a kind.  It's easy to brag about her, but it is bittersweet to know that she will not be with our school anymore because of the loss of an art position in the district. Bollocks! It is very hard when something like this happens, and unfortunately a FREE PRETZEL cannot cure this heartache.  We all wish her the best of luck!

She was pleased to receive the FREE PRETZEL and even mentioned to someone later that day that she was honored to be a "special person."  I am glad that she felt that way.  She had mentioned to me that she had heard about what I was doing and was hoping that I might find my way to her room one day.  Well, I did and it was my pleasure.  I hope it was jolly good.  God Save the Queen!

4 days left.

Until tomorrow...

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