Friday, May 23, 2014

May 23rd- A birthday and a future Domer!

May 23, 2014 Year 3 Day 23
Jaynee Brosnan celebrated a birthday today and I knew she needed a FREE PRETZELWhy not right?  It was her birthday and even though I may have given here one on her birthday before and given her a birthday shout-out, this was better.  Jaynee is a special education teacher at Sharp and has been through two weeks of NJASK testing, so today is a good day for a treat.
A morning snack
Jaynee also does the thankless job of running the Sharp 5th grade safeties and that alone deserves a years worth of pretzels. She and I have worked closely over the past few years and she has worked with at least one of my students each year. I was glad to provide her with a morning snack. 

Smiling because he is going to the greatest University in the world!
Liam Mahoney is a former 5th grade student of mine from Stockton Class of 2007.  Come August he will be the first student that I have taught to ever enter the hallowed halls of Notre Dame as a student.  I am impressed, excited and proud as a peacock.  Liam and his mom happened to stop by my school today and they gave me THE SHIRT for this year's ND football season as an early birthday present.  So cool.  They were out at ND a few weeks ago for a parent reception/min-orientation and took on all that the glorious South Bend spring had to offer.

I wanted to give Liam the FREE PRETZEL today because I guess I am just excited to say that one of my former students will be going to Notre Dame.  I won't bug him too much for tickets, but hopefully he will look far and wide for me so that I can just leave on a whim and be there for a weekend.  Yeah right.

It was great to catch up with Liam and his mom and see what is going through the minds of a student, who 19 years later is in the same position as me.  Weird.  I did my best to impart wisdom on him, but I know he will be great and make his own path in this great world.  He was a tremendous student 7 years ago, kept it up, and obviously continued to be a great all-around kid and is hitting the big time.  Good thing he didn't ask me to write his recommendation!

Liam was a bit surprised by the FREE PRETZEL, but I think he liked it.  By the looks of him, the pretzel would not go to waste.  He's bigger than me!  Good luck in all your future endeavors and I have a feeling I will be seeing or at least talking with you soon.

Another day and another year older...sigh.  I always look forward to my birthday and what it may entail.  Golf?  Movies?  Ice Cream cake?  Presents?  It will all be great no matter what.

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Tim for thinking of me today. Just the thought alone and the laughter we share at work make our job more enjoyable. Hope you too have great birthday weekend!
