Monday, May 19, 2014

May 19th- Hail to the Chief!

May 19, 2014 Year 3 Day 19

Before you start wondering what is up, yes this is the right day.  A certain someone did not fulfill their obligation to substitute in my stead for Day 18.  It will be coming soon.
FREE PRETZEL #19, (why does this keep happening?)
Today was a day to celebrate a leader.  Martin Sharofsky is the CHEA (Cherry Hill Education Association) president and has held that post for almost as long as I have been a teacher in the district.  Before then he was a 5th grade teacher, just like me, for many years at Kingston School.  Martin has been involved in education for 40 years and has served his post honorably. 

While at Stockton, I served as CHEA Representative for 3 years and got to know the ins and outs of the union, a lot of the time right from Martin.  He can be a man of many or few words depending on the situation and I have learned a lot from his unique perspectives on many subjects.  He has been a kind of mentor definitely while I was at Stockton and less so since I have been at Sharp.  That's a good thing though. 

Martin was known for a long time for his extremely colorful ties.  I was always interested what I woulds see next.  I bet his students loved it.  I was a bit shocked when he did not have one on today. 

I told Martin about the blog and why I have been doing this.  I asked him if he liked soft pretzels and he replied "I love soft pretzels"  That made me happy.  I presented him with his delicious FREE PRETZEL and knew that he would enjoy it later in the day. 

Martin serves the entire union membership of CHEA which encompasses about 1400 teachers, one of the largest districts in the state.  That is a lot of different opinions and a lot of different ideas that he has to balance.  I think he does a really nice job.  I personally do not know anyone else who would want that job and he does it really well.  I know he will not do it forever and if he ever decides to step away he will be missed.  Thanks for all you have done for me and for the countless teachers, students and others that you have helped along the way. 

Birthday shout out to Delran High school Alum Maria Gentiletti

Also congratulations are in order for Stockton Kindergarten teacher Jackie Mulligan for being appointed the new head girls basketball coach at Haddonfield High School.  I saw the news in The Retrospect paper and had to share it here.  Welcome back to the coaching ranks. Good luck!

Until tomorrow...

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