Monday, May 12, 2014

May 12th- Boys will be boys

May 12th, 2014  Year 3 Day 12
As I have mentioned on numerous occasions in multiple blog posts, life at this time of year is hectic.  I will not bore anyone with why and all the ways, just to say that it is.  I was able to pick up the boys today from school and quickly declared that they would indeed be the FREE PRETZEL recipients today.  They were extremely happy when I told them that they would be getting pretzels, a usual after school snack and even happier that they were getting the FREE PRETZEL(s)

Declan showing his FREE PRETZEL loud and proud

Patman leaning in for a closer look

The boys seemed to be excited.  In a few short weeks they will be ending their time at the Blessed Edmund Center. Katie and I could not have been more thrilled with this school and all it stands for.  It has been great for them and we look forward to sending Tabitha there in the fall.  It will be sad to see the boys leave and "graduate," but they will be moving on to Kindergarten, hopefully at Zane North School in Collingswood, now only two blocks from our house!

It is amazing that these 5 years have just flown by.  People are right when they say, "where does the time go?"  They're just aren't enough hours in the day to be with your kids and love them for all the great things they bring.  Their little minds racing at warp speeds, asking questions and talking a mile a minute about anything and everything.  It's great.

They will never be easy, but they will always be ours and as long as they are, they will be awesome.  I just hope they feel the same way about us someday.

I worked tirelessly to try and complete a video of the boys riding their "big boy" bikes.  They are getting the hang of it here at Mom-Mom and Pop-Pops house. Enjoy

Sorry about the music lyrics.  Whoops

Man they are getting big quick.

Until tomorrow...

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