Wednesday, May 21, 2014

May 21st- A May Birthday I haven't celebrated?

May 21, 2014 Year 3 Day 21

Desiree' Caldwell is a 5th grade teacher at Bret Harte, but 11 years ago started as a second grade teacher at Stockton. We became friends and colleagues and have kept in touch despite our various moves.  Actually, speaking of moves, it was through my suggestions that Desiree' actually found apartments in my area on two separate occasions.  Some friend I am.

Desiree' and I share a birthday month, a zodiac sign, a love of sports, similar tastes in music (she is a DJ) and on a smaller scale a love for Star Wars (her DJ name is DJ P Leia).   When Desiree' started teaching I always marveled at how much time and effort she put in to getting her 2nd graders into gear.  She loved those little munchkins and they loved her.  She enjoyed teaching, but also making sure the kids had fun.  Sounds a little like someone else I know.  I was always impressed with her work ethic.

I have actually been trying for the past two years to present her with the FREE PRETZEL, but our timing never worked out.  Finally it did.  We met up for lunch at Panera Bread Co., where I presented with her twisted dough and she was very touched. She said it "made her feel very special."

Another satisfied FREE PRETZEL recipient and successful day.

Desiree' all smiles.
Desiree' confided in me recently that she would be ending her teaching this year to continue to pursue her DJing, which she really loves and will have more time for.  She also is now licensed to lead "Insanity" workout classes.  She will be starting them in Delran pretty soon, so anyone in the area that is interested, should look out for her class, coming to that shopping center across from Shop Rite in Delran.  She is extremely excited for her future and I wish her all the best.  I know she should enjoy herself and will do great.

On to another day.  There are 10 FREE PRETZELS left and hopefully 10 (or more) "new recipients"
Keep reading and spreading the news.

Until tomorrow...

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