Friday, May 2, 2014

May 2nd- It IS easy to be Green

May 2, 2014- Year 3, Day 2
In case you all were wondering, I did in fact pay back the $4.75 that I owed from yesterday's transaction.  It was mighty busy in the Pretzel Factory today, but not busy enough to keep me away from getting the FREE PRETZEL.
Happy Olivia with her FREE PRETZEL
This extremely hard-working second grade teacher is Olivia Spence.  Ms. Spence had no knowledge of my blog, but on my way to school today, I knew she was getting the pretzel.  Ms. Spence is one of four volunteer teacher coordinators of the Sharp Green team.  Mrs Gilmour, recipient of the pretzel in year one, and Mrs. Feinstein, a recipient last year, are the other members, along with me.  Olivia is just tremendous.  She is always smiling and happy, always asks how everyone is doing and always has positive things to say.  She really is a breath of fresh air.  She has been teaching second grade for the past two years, and says she likes it very much. 

As the Green Team member that led the set-up for the Cherry Hill Green festival this past weekend, Olivia was responsible for the first volunteer spot from 10-11, but also had to be in charge of making sure everything was ready to go.  The day ended up being beautiful and when I took over from 11-12 everything was running smoothly.  Then on Monday and Tuesday, I did not see Olivia.  no smiling face.  No "How are things?" I found out on Wednesday that she got the stomach bug, Yuck!
To top it all off, her class was scheduled to perform an Attitude Assembly (Sharp community knows what I'm talking about) in which her class shows the school what it means to show, in this case, Cooperation.  She shared with us the time it took, because she was out, to get this done. 

A hectic week it was.  She deserved this FREE PRETZEL.  She was actually thrilled to get it, if you can't tell by her photo, and as always I was happy to give it.  I'm glad you enjoyed it Olivia!

Tomorrow is Kentucky Derby Day.  One of my favorites. Bet with your head, not over it! Ha!
I wonder where the FREE PRETZEL will wander?

Until Tomorrow...

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