Monday, May 11, 2015

May 11th- A snack for a snack and expect the unexpected

May 11th, 2015 Year 4 Day 11
 It is currently 10:48 and I am just starting to write.  There are days when I have started this a day early because I knew what I was going to write or whatever.  There was nothing that could have prepared me for today. More on that in a minute.

Happy Friday! surprise treat.
Last Friday I received this little bag on my desk compliment of 1st grade Johnson teacher Christine Mays.  I had noticed that she was making all these amazing treats for her own kids teachers for teacher appreciation week last week and jokingly asked if we would be getting any leftovers at our school.  Well of course she came a big way.  This was my perfect Friday morning treat and they were all extremely yummy.

Christine is one of those extremely honest, (tells it like it is) people. Kind of like me.  And I love people like me. You always know where they stand.  I like that.  No hiding. No BS.

Christine commands a room when she has to speak and although I have not seen her in action in her classroom that often, I can assume that she has those first graders whipped into shape.  Christine has taken on the role of organizing Johnson school in getting the word our about our pension troubles.  A thankless job, but one that will be very important to all of us teachers.  She was also responsible for helping to organize the Volley for Support volleyball team as well as some super bowl fun for our school.  It has been great getting to know her this year and I was very pleased to give the the FREE PRETZEL this morning. She declined the picture, but told me that it was a nice surprise and a perfect morning snack.  What goes around comes around!  I hope she enjoyed it!

Now to the craziness that is the Collingswood Casale house.  Today was a supposed to be a day when I ended golf practice early, get home early, mow the lawn, get my haircut and then chill.  Well I should have known it was all too perfect the plan as soon as I was sitting in traffic on Haddonfield-Berlin Road heading home. 

By the time I got home, I was running a bit late to mow the lawn, but I changed anyway thinking I could still get it done.  Well, our basement, which looks like a Lego pinata exploded all over it, was in need of a cleaning.  As the boys and Katie and I cleaned, Tabitha thought it would be a good idea to stand on the new basement couch and lightly bang her head on the vents to hear the loud noise it would make.  We asked her to stop and get down.  My back was turned, but what I heard next turned out to be forehead meeting either the wooden arm or the wooden back of the couch.  Panic ensued, from me, not Katie, she was calm and cool.  We quickly rushed her to the car and asked our neighbor Kristi Taylor (yes that neighbor from Day 2) to watch the boys.  She might have earned another pretzel
Big gash. Little Girl. Pretty calm.
An hour or so later and she was given 5 stitches and patched right up.  The ladies at the Cooper Urgent Care in Haddon Heights on the corner of Pine St and Black Horse Pike were awesome.  They did a great job and Tabitha did not make a sound.  Not a freaking peep.  They applied some numbing agent, so there was not a needle, but it definitely worked.  She just laid there.  Amazing little girl. 
Passed right out with her bear
Apparently she was okay because we got her home and into bed, safe and sound with her bear.  Katie and I proceeded to have wine and a beer.  Ugh.  We are glad she is ok, although I am pretty sure she will be sore. 

I guess the lawn will get cut tomorrow!

I'm beat. Good night

Until tomorrow...

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